Sunday, November 19, 2017

Duel cartridges, the true cause of mass carnage

Its not surprising every time there is "mass carnage" where firearms are 
used the argument resonates of what must be done, pass more stringent
gun legislation or completing disarm the public from defending itself.

This is appealing to the 'quick fix' crowd that believes firearms are the 
problem and if only the availability of guns and ammo was greatly reduced
"mass carnage" would not occur.

What proponents of tougher gun laws do not add to the mix are the number events of "mass carnage" where fire arms were not used.  

We don't  need to begin any earlier than 1983  when  241 US and 58 French
peace keepers were killed when a truck bomb was used to destroy the barracks they occupied in Lebanon.

For more than three decades bombs, even suicide bombers, were used to
kill the innocent throughout the Middle East.

Now, advance to 1995 when 168 people were murdered in the Oklahoma City bombing. 

Nor, we will never forget the 3000 lives lost when jet planes deliberately 
crashed into buildings in 2001 on 9/11.

Finally, more recently bombings in London subways and trucks running over people in Spain and New York City resulted in the latest "mass carnage".  

In none of these events were firearms used to kill these multitudes!  Yet, 
within the political sphere the debate continues, a tug-o-war that always
ends in a draw until the next occurrence revisits the same argument using
the same rhetoric.

What needs to be remembered is that there are two 'cartridges' that go
hand-in-hand by those who commit these heinous acts, they suffer from
either one or both.  They can always  be found, even if rarely mentioned,
when scores of innocent people are murdered. 

After the fact law enforcement, politicians, academic and the public at large
get close to them when they attempt to understand  "why did he do this?"

On occasion the state mind is mentioned, but quickly dispatched as fire
arms once again becomes the go-to reason.

These cartridges have been with us since the beginning of mankind, spoken
often in the Biblical context to draw attention and warn us. They will never 
go away, and must always be fought relentlessly.

They are 'evil' and 'insanity' and no new laws will ever stop them from 
being 'fired' indiscriminately to cause mass carnage.

Your feedback greatly appreciated.....

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