Wednesday, November 15, 2017

FINALLY, good news coming out of Washington......

Once again the media is focusing on 'identity politics' rather what
is actually happening in the Trump Administration.  

This time the media finds it "newsworthy" to report who the president
is appointing which is the polar opposite to criteria found in most 

The headlines across the media spectrum blare, "In search of federal
judges, Trump taps mostly white men" and "Trump picking
white males for judiciary at highest rate in 30 years".

This should not be unexpected, for it once again sets a false narrative 
of what is actually occurring, something the public has been resigned 
to accept.

Now, why would President Trump appoint White jurists at a higher rate
than his recent predecessors have done? What could reason possibly be?

Its simple, but don't expect to see the answer in the headlines.

President Trump has selected conservative jurists as he campaigned he 
would do. THAT is the story....period!

Sadly, there is clear evidence most 'people of color' serving on the bench
are not conservative, they are overwhelmingly liberal or progressive and 
worse believe in judicial activism rather than ruling on existing law.

This story may be worthy of reporting, but not for the reason the 'bean 
counters' in Washington and academia are focusing on. 

The reason is simple, this increase in White jurists being appointed is due
to one reason only, they are the most conservative, qualified judges that 
do rule on existing law and deserving of an appointment by a president to 
thinks likewise! 

Its nice to finally read REAL news coming from the media, especially when
it has the reporters so unhinged!!!!

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