Saturday, November 4, 2017

Found wanting.....'good Samaritans' in Hollywood

For those who watched 'Seinfeld' you may remember the last two episodes 
as the cast was on trial for ignoring the 'Good Samaritan" law when they
failed to come to the aid of a mugging victim by remaining bystanders.

Jerry, Kramer, George and Elaine were convicted and the judge said they 
showed  a "callous indifference and utter disregard for everything that is 
good and decent".

This came to mind as I observe what is going on in Hollywood with allegations against movie executive Harvey Weinstein and notable actors.

We have learned many in the Hollywood 'community' were well aware of 
this pattern of  behavior yet showed the same indifference to this abuse 
and even criminal behavior as people in powerful positions took advantage
 of young women and men by making unwanted sexual advances.

But, there may have been a 'clue' of what was going on that was hidden 
by a 'wall of silence' throughout the industry. 

The clue presented itself eight seasons ago when "Entourage", an 
HBO series, came on the air.  'Entourage' tells the story of a young, 
successful actor, his brother and two friends, his entourage. 

In addition to following their exploits we also learn Hollywood is 
den of misogynists consumed with 'bedding' young, vulnerable
women, then bragging of their conquests. 

As we read the true stories today, the fictional 'Entourage' draws a 
troubling parallel.

It needs to be asked, where were are all the Hollywood stars that knew 
what was going on yet remained mute?  And, aren't they equally culpable 
in the real world as the Seinfeld cast was in his fictional portrayal?

Where is THEIR shame, where is THEIR responsibility?  These  are the
same people that publicly 'celebrate' the women in their industry when 
it suits them and  privately denigrates them with their behavior, treating 
as chattel, rather than people deserving of respect and keeping their dignity.

As the allegations lead to prosecutions I hope the judge assigned to the trial
is equal in his disdain towards the Hollywood community for its failure to do 
what is right as the 'judge' from Seinfeld was when he rendered judgement.

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