Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Silence of Republicans is deafening......

When Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller announced the indictments I thought back to Ken Starr,
who served as Independent Council investigating former President Bill Clinton.

When I think of Mueller and Starr I take note of a disappointing distinction.  The Republicans 
did not attack Mueller who once served as FBI director, not even after Mueller chose a staff
that only served either Clinton or President Obama.  

The deference of the Republicans in Congress towards Mueller is what the public expects
to ensure partisanship does not undermine the process.

Thinking back, this did not occur during the Clinton investigation by Starr. The Democrats
immediately went on the attack against Starr, insulting him throughout the investigation
to portray hims as a partisan investigator. You would think Starr was being investigated, 
not a sitting president.

This is where we are, the Democrats do what Democrats do, show little, if any, respect for
their political adversaries, they 'circle the partisan wagons' to protect anyone on "their side",
yet go on a full assault against the opposition party.

I write this as I heard Sen. Chuck Schumer go on a political attack against President 
Trump today after the horrendous attack in NYC yesterday that killed eight.

While Schumer does have the right to offer into the Congressional record his opinion
of Trump, I could not help but wonder where are the Republican voices supporting the
president's desire to strengthen our immigration vetting process.  

The pattern of behavior remains the same, the Democrats kick, scream and rant
and the Republican behave with expected polite decorum.

At least we now have a president that understands the problems of our flawed immigration
policy and rightly speaks out against it rather than allow its failures to go unchallenged.

Be thankful at least one Republican stands with those of us equally  deeply concerned.

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