Monday, November 27, 2017

Presidential Conservative Black Council

An unlikely advocate for a conservative movement in Black communities
appears to be President Trump as he addressed these constituents directly.

As some may recall, when Trump was campaigning he reached out
to the Black  community as no Republican presidential candidate has
ever done,  when he cited the failed Democrat policies and ended his
statement with  "What have  you got to lose?" A simple direct message
long past being asked.

As president, Mr Trump can do something as significant as Lyndon
Johnson did, give voice to people who have been muted today for the 
way they think as all Blacks were fifty years ago when they did not
have equal rights for the color of their skin.

These Black Americans are being told how to think and for even which
political party to vote for.  Those who do not adhere to these 'directives' 
are shamed, some even shunned by members of their own families.

It is long past time conservative Blacks gained the same respect enjoyed
by Blacks who are both Democrat and liberal.

President Trump has the opportunity to give voice to a group that has
been disrespected and silenced simply for believing as they do.

The answer would be a presidential council for Black conservatives,
from many backgrounds, in academia, faith, politics, journalism and

Conservatism is the essential, yet missing, 'ingredient' not found in
impoverished communities and hurt Blacks the most for it has been 
unable to crack the impenetrable wall of govt. mandated "socialism" 
permeating throughout their commutities.  

The purpose of this council would be to achieve a single objective,
to end the cycle of despair millions of Blacks have endured as they
lived through and could not escape the failed policies of the "Great

Such a council would bring together conservatives of note, like Walter
Williams, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steel, Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elder,
Alveda King, Darrell Scott, Herman Caine and Vernon Robinson among

Gaining this long overdue visibility would be a giant step for the values
of conservatism once again returning to Black communities where at
one time had thrived, yet now has been decimated while communities
with freedom to think  differently and vote accordingly have prospered.

In closing, I can only ask President Trump the same question he asked 
members of Black communities across our nation while campaigning, 
"what have you got to lose?".

Those in agreement, pass along and even drop your own note to the 
president via the White House website.

In Faith,
Anthony Bruno
Cary, NC

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