Monday, February 27, 2017

Democrat Party once again forgets '2nd class constituents'

Once again the Democrat Party goes with what it considers 'fashionable',
reaching out to those groups who pass the required victim-hood litmus test.

Today, 'refugees' from the Middle East join 'illegal immigrants' that demand
to stay in the country.

Last year 'transgenders', a "made up" concoction of people who become
distraught when told they must use the facilities of their DNA confirmed
genders made the list.

Two years ago 'Black Lives Matter', the militant anti-law enforcement group,
became an unlikely member of victims as it orchestrated protests inciting
riots, looting and even assassinations of police in many cities.

This is the clown car of "victims" that has grown larger as the Democrat Party
believes such a strategy will advance its vision of what America should be.

But, while they have decided this is how the party will find its way out of  the
political wilderness, it once again will leave its most loyal constituency behind.

These are the 90% of Blacks who vote Democrat, still believing the unfulfilled
decades old promises that have proven to be lies. These are the real victims
of failed policies, not the manufactured ones the Democrat Party relish to
advance its designs for political power.

Tally up the carnage, the lost lives due to poor education, bullet riddled
streets and poverty that keeps them captive.

Its disappointing but not surprising Black members of Congress prefer to
boycott the Inauguration of President Trump and have time to attack his
policies, but can find no time to address the cancer that is destroying
communities of their own constituents!

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