Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Is its time to go "nuclear"?

Now that President Trump has named his nominee for the Supreme Court
all attention will be directed to the Senate and the confirmation process.

There is little need to guess what to expect from Democrats, their message
was sent before the Electoral College even confirmed Donald Trump would
be our next president.

New Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer telegraphed what his party would
do, slow down the confirmation process to weed "out of the mainstream"
nominees, a term Schumer has used since he was first elected to Congress in
1981 to denigrate anyone he disagreed with.

Its February and we have already seen Schumer's 'promise' has been fulfilled
with Trump's nominees well behind his predecessors, Obama, Bush and
Clinton in getting through the confirmation process.

There is no need to allow Schumer to deliberately drag on hearings for another
two months to weaken the Trump Administration further.

I strongly urge Sen. Mitch McConnell to use the "nuclear option" NOW,
eliminating the filibuster, so a simple majority will get President Trump's
nominees confirmed at the earliest!

By doing this now it prevents Schumer and his well-organized and paid 'protestors'
from grabbing headlines to divide our country further and delay the new Trump
Administration for tending to important issues.

The Senate phone lines is already being barraged to persuade them. But, there is
only one number that needs to be called, Sen. McConnell's office, 202 224-2541.

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