Friday, February 3, 2017

Call it what it is...."Anarchy"

You will not hear the word mentioned on the nightly news, but all too often
you will see it, whether it occurs in the streets,  in benign media reporting,
on university campus and even at highest level of American  governance.

Its "anarchy", the deliberate, orchestrated state of disorder to undermine
civil order​ by refusing to recognize legitimate authority.

You will hear no mention of "anarchy", reporting such acts as protests is
accurate enough to a profession often timid to call behavior for what it
actually is. 

"Anarchy"  arrives, without warning, wearing the mask of  respectability
that quickly shows itself as unruly and belligerent behavior designed to
destroy and strike fear  to fracture communities, destroy property and
endanger the public.

Early this week anarchists arrived on the Berkeley campus of University
of California to 'protest' a speaker, which included starting fires and
destroying a Starbucks. The media did not report this event as a riot,
but did make certain to taint the speaker, reporting he was "Alt-right",
the newest  label of anyone out-of-favor in newsrooms.

We saw anarchy pop up at President Trump inauguration ​eve event​ when
protestors rioted and destroyed property in Washington.

We have seen it time and again on streets across the country where law
enforcement is targeted, several even assassinated in many cities such
as New York and Dallas. This is not civil disorder, this is criminality
meant to weaken ​the most vulnerable ​crime ridden ​areas of our country
that must end!

The latest occasions of 'anarchy' came this week ​in the most unlikely of
places, the US Capitol ​ that many  may not agree​ was anarchy.. 

It came during confirmation hearings of President Trump's cabinet appointees
when ​every member of one party refused to do their sworn duty, vote. 
​It may not weigh as heavy as throwing a rock through a window, but it does​ ​
throw a 'rock' through the governing process ​, a form of  "anarchy",  meant
to deliberately weaken our nation.

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