Monday, February 6, 2017

The sky is 'not falling'

We should not be surprised, President Trump can do nothing right according
to the media, his opponents and even some who 'claim' they support him.

I do not care a whit about these critics, but I do care about our own resolve,
the "minority" who elected him!

We have been used to crap be shoveled at Republican presidents since
Nixon, so the vitriol towards President Trump should be not surprising.

But, his behavior towards those who seek to destroy his presidency is what
is troubling to many of us.

President Trump is doing what many of us wanted to see from former GOP

Many of use remember Reagan called old and feeble, Bush, Sr. called a
liar by Democrats when he agreed with THEM, and George W. called
dumb and inept.  All three men held the office in such high esteem they
refused to become 'street fighters' as President Trump is.

But, what about us? Do we have Trump's back?  We already know where
establishment politicians like McCain and some other feel. They seem to
enjoy President Trump being out on a political limb on his own. They do
not see the objective should Trump's success, not his demise.

So, its up to us, the tens of millions who have attended dozens of rallies,
waiting hours, no matter the weather to show Trump we embraced his

We see the attacks coming from every direction, world leaders,
celebrities, entrenched Black leaders, academia, political action

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