Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Irrelevance" a sad ending to John McCain lengthy career!

We've seen this act before, a man whose time has passed, yet refusing
to pass the torch on to the next generation.

The adulation is intoxicating, impossible to resist, by someone who
seems to believe its his birthright to claim the national stage anytime
he demands it.

An octogenarian in a world begging "youth be served", demands
his political pedigree warrants not only respect but valued council.

Once again, this is not to be for Sen John McCain, the self described
'maverick' who touts he was a "foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution",
yet refused to be a "foot soldier" for any Republican president since.

Perhaps McCain's angst is due to never being offered a cabinet position
either by Bush 41 or Bush 43.  Or, at odds with the policies of both Bush
presidencies. We will never know.

There is no denying McCain relished being the "go to" Republican
by the media for criticism of Republican presidents. He could
always be counted on to advance whatever negative narrative
being reported.

McCain enjoyed the attention and chance to poke his finger at them,
knowing it would ingratiate him in Washington's social circles.

At the age of eighty Sen. McCain is once again going out of his way
to undermine another Republican president, only this time on the
world stage.

During the Iraq War to remove Saddam Hussein the Democrats
and the NY Times launched an attack of the Bush Administration.
Every measure taken to remove Saddam was criticized including
treatment of prisoners.

McCain saw this as a chance to capture the national stage and joined
Democrats in calling some forms of interrogation "torture".

And when the most celebrated POW enters on the side opposed
to Bush's policies he is listened to. Relevance drives John McCain!

Never mind such interrogation technniques were never questioned
before by McCain. In this three decades in the Senate he never called
for them to end, until Democrats used it as a wedge issue.

That was then and this is now as McCain once again is entering the
world of partisan politics, on the side of those who want to destroy
President Trump.

Sen. McCain is doing what some might describe as treasonous,
criticizing an American president on foreign soil. Addressing
a Munich Security Conference McCain claimed with the
resignation of Gen. Flynn demonstrates the Trump team is
in 'disarray'.

There is no value in McCain making this comment, and only
further hurts the Trump Administration.

But, since this "old dog" is beyond learning new tricks we'll
have to ignore him until this old sailor simply "fades away".

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