Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Did President Trump fire Flynn for "making a phone call"?

Today was the first time I questioned President Trump's decision
making since he began his campaign in June, 2015.  For almost two
years Trump called his own shots with few missteps.

Throughout his campaign Trump made many decisions that were
widely criticized, yet proved to be correct. He has a knack for correct
decision making.

His cabinet appointments were modeled after his message, surround
himself with highly qualified independent, non establishment, problem
solvers. Only two, Republican Party members Preibus and Spicer
troubled me. I don't see them as good "fits" for the roles they assumed.

This leads me to President Trump's decision to fire Gen. Michael
Flynn as National Security Advisor. Flynn has the broadest background
for the role he assumed, stronger than every NSA in two decades!

Despite the strongest of credentials, most in Washington quickly agreed
Kelly "had to go", which has me questioning Trump's decision even more.
Such unison is a red flag!

The concern was communications Flynn had with the Russian ambassador,
that drew the ire of the establishment types.

Rather than making his decision after listening to the opinions of many
in Washington I wish President Trump would have tweeted his followers
and ask them if Kelly should be replaced.

I have little doubt the majority of Trump's supporters would have told him
to keep Flynn as NSA.

To understand the magnitude of what Flynn did, Limbaugh put it in the right
perspective, "It was only a phone call!"

Yet, "only a phone" led President Trump to remove the person who has
been with him since the beginning, and instrumental in planning security
measures Trump would use.

Does this make sense to the millions of Trump supporters, to make a
decision based on outside criticism, rather his own gut 'instincts' which
served the president better than political advisors?

If President Trump thinks he will be able to move forward he is mistaken.
Democrats and grandstanding Republicans want investigations on Russia
at a time when the president has yet to develop a relationship with Putin.

These are them same politicians who did nothing after Obama gave Putin
a green light to go into Crimea by withdrawing missile commitment to
Poland, a matter with more gravity than "making a phone call" or even
giving Russia a "reset button".

We can only hope President Trump let his judgement not be influenced
as I am sure it was by dismissing Gen. Flynn.


Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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