Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Please consider the following.....

In less than one month Trump has done what I fully expected, moving forward 
on his campaign promises, with no surprises.

Every cabinet pick is impressive, even the two I questioned when named, and
believed could be troublesome moving forward, Preibus and Spicer.

Both men are qualified, experienced in Washington and the Republican Party,
but doubted they would be up to the task.  It appears they may be unable to be 
effective or withstand the hostility of the media and the organized efforts to
undermine the Trump Administration.

Being experienced Republicans is not enough for the two most visible position
at the White House, as we have seen in such a short time.

I don't know whether your council would delve into appointments but for the
past year I have watched two people equally tenacious as President Trump 
"take on" all comers on issues and policies. Newt Gingrich and Laura Ingraham.

Gingrich is a bull dog, proven as Speaker, he knows Washington as well as
anyone, can handle any matter, and be the wisest council Trump could have.

Ingraham would have been the best choice for Press Secy. No issue  is beyond
her grasp, domestic, international or legal. 

We all know President Trump is the most unorthodox man in the Establishment
era, controlled by lobbyists, donors and party desires.  He is not shackled, and
has a wide latitude to govern.  Gingrich and Ingraham would be a perfect fit.... 

I am sure you know them well, so perhaps you may offer their names if changes
are being considered.

Much success in your new job.
Anthony Bruno

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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