Monday, February 20, 2017

The "disingenuous" 'C' words!

It has been a right of passage for Republicans to display their credentials
as "Constitutional Conservatives" when in the company of other members
of their party.  It is a rare Republican to cite otherwise.

Most Republicans wear the label proudly, but almost as many fail to
demonstrate what it means to be either, Constitutional or conservative.

President Trump has been harangued for"not being a true conservative"
or even "understands the Constitution", two albatross meant to drag
him down.

To this I ask, "Really"?

Such remarks come from critics who have watched "conservatives" double
our national debt in a decade, expand the national government with new
agencies and allowed presidents to engage  in several "unconstitutional",
undeclared wars during the past 70 years.

Add to this the history of the US Congress, passing amendment after
amendment driving our country further away from the 'original intent'
of our Founders.

So, before any politician or Constitutional 'expert' criticizes President Trump
they need to read the Constitution and revisit the political definition of the
word conservative.

Doing so will enlighten them that our country is not the Constitution guided,
limited governing body heralded in words, and only rarely grounded by law.

President Trump is simply doing what he believes is required to protect our
nation while improving the quality of life of the American people, seeking
"solutions" the people demand, not hollow rhetoric that avoids addressing

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