Sunday, February 5, 2017

Why would California want to leave the United States?

A political action committee (PAC) is advancing an effort in California
to secede from the United States and become an independent country.

The argument is that California has not benefited from being a state,
supported by "Nine Points", primarily economic.

Being a state in the United States has benefits Californians need to
be reminded of; the reason tens of millions of people from every
country, of every religion and every race immigrated here.

What do these 'foreigners' see that California 'citizens' do not?

Even without trying to understand the appeal of the United States to
others, looking at what our country has achieved should be enough
to want to remain a state.

Begin with technology throughout our entire history, giving our nation
an edge on the world. Steamships, telephone, electric light, assembly
lines, autos, flight, even computers.

Technology aside, American governance is the 'gold standard' all freedom
seeking people strive for. We are the only country with a "Constitution"
and a "Bill of Rights", a unbreakable 'contract' with its citizens.

How can any serious person want to depart a nation which has done so
much for its people as the United States has done?

Imagine the state of the world if not for the United States.

Any reasonable and objective person who reads the "Nine Points" will find
no criticism of American governance or technological advances throughout
our history.

The arguments have some merit, but its representative governance which
is the remedy, not departure!

This is the site promoting secession:


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