Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A letter to Sen. John McCain....

The following letter posted on Sen. McCain's website which I want to share.

Dear Sen McCain (John!)
I often wonder if you are still a REPUBLICAN, as you seem to be more help to the Democrats than us. We were thrilled at President Trump's views AND actions on immigration. (We are also thrilled at his judicial pick for the Supreme Court, which is BRILLIANT! )

You once proudly stood for Conservative principles, but sadly I see far more support for Progressives than us. Please Sir, we are in a war AGAINST Socialistic/Progressive GOD HATING SECULARISTS of today's Democrat Party.

Would love to be able to discuss, but I realize you are up to your eyeballs in politics. I pray you will UNITE behind President Trump, as we, and millions like us, voted to end GLOBALISM and who is one who truly loves America, the land of Judeo/Christian values that enables freedom for all.

My best to your family,
Very Respectfully,
Bonnie Dougherty, CDR USN RET.

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