Sunday, March 6, 2016

Swing and a miss by Donald Trump on H1 Visas

At the last debate Donald Trump wisely reached across party lines
to show he can change his mind on issues. Unlike politicians Trump
does not run away from issues.

However, there was a moment Trump crossed a line, on an element
of the issue of immigration, H1 visas. He could have addressed
the topic with a better solution than just expanding the program.

Trump stated America does not have enough highly skilled IT workers
so we must increase the number, bringing in more foreign workers
to meet the demand.

On the surface this seems reasonable, as reasonable as Angela Merkel
saying Germany needs foreign workers to offset its aging population.

When this subject comes up I'm confounded. Consider Bill Gates, Paul
Allen and Steve Jobs. Gates and Allen created Microsoft while Jobs
created Apple. All became millionaires in the 80s and parlayed their
companies success in the 90s to become billionaires.

Then there are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who started Google in the
90s and almost immediately became billionaires. Also the success of
companies such as Facebook, Twitter and countless in the IT field
exploded over the last three decades.

Now, if the future could be seen in the 80s why did higher education
fail to do more to meet the need?

Two years ago I attended a presentation by Duke Prof. Jacob Vigdor,
"Solving America's Math Problem", found at link:

How could America be so blind not to prepare our nation for the boom
as equal to any in our history?  And, equally important why are other
nations doing this and we are not, meeting the demand for IT talent?

The answer is right in front of us, public education has failed for
decades to prepare more students for the best and highest paid jobs.

Public education is doing such a poor job in preparing students for
the rigor to successfully complete IT related courses most college
students don't even take them!  Thus, the drought of qualified

The education system from K-12 through higher education has been
Shanghaied by social education promoters who prefer ideological
desires and has led to the failure to produce graduates equal to
the demand.

The question of H1 visas gave Donald Trump and others a "hanging
curve ball" any of them could have hit for a home run. None did!

Our country is already awash in IT workers, tens of thousands of
them who were and still are jettisoned from companies long before
retirement age, most who had to take jobs paying much less than
they previously earned.

These workers can fill the gap until public education once again
provides the same quality math education that led our country to
land man on the moon nearly fifty years ago.

Older IT workers only need training in IT protocols in demand.
They are already proven and probably had a superior education
than students currently coming into the marketplace.

Add to this the business experience they bring and its  easy to
see this is a viable solution until the education industry does
what is expected of them.

Perhaps one of the candidate will take another swing

Comments welcome, ajbuno14 gmail   Welcome to pass along to others

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