Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reports of Republican Party's death are greatly exaggerated

Professional pundits are quick to tell us the future of the Republican Party
is at risk, with comparison to the Whig Party, born in 1834 as a challenge 
to President Andrew Jackson and "Jacksonian Democrats", yet dying twenty years later. They go on to say an outsider, such as Trump  or perhaps even Cruz, would destroy the Republican Party. They are wrong on both counts.

First, the Whig Party even with two presidencies won, was never as powerful as the Republican Party is now.

Both major parties are powerhouses and keep their dominance by shutting down members whose views are inconsistent with a litmus test.

For Democrats the party's stand on social issues is impenetrable. Gay rights,
abortion, expanse in govt spending and programs are the "commandments" 
that must be obeyed. Differing factions in the party cannot be found, they
keep a low profile, out of fear their political futures would be destroyed if 
they dared wander off the party's reservation.

On the Republican side, its establishment fights any effort to halt flow of 
cheap labor to the United States or halt flow of business interests offshore
and the jobs that go with them. There are factions, grass roots members
first elected in 2010, called the Tea Party, that delivered a majority in the House.

But the Tea Party's electoral success brought little else, including not being fully accepted by the establishment which runs the party. The 
collective wisdom of the party leadership determined this faction had 
to be neutered, and it was. 

Tea Party members did not receive the respect which normally comes with victories. Its eighty member caucus had little influence, important committee assignments were scant, public criticism by colleagues was 
common and little in campaign funding are some of the hurdles these 
new members had to endure.

In fact, if  any new members suffered a defeated the party leadership
would not even care,  and probably say "good riddance", even if it 
meant losing the majority!

To believe the Republican Party with its resources including more than 
70% of elected members in state legislatures, majorities in both chambers
of Congress, a Rolodex chock full of donors and lobbyists, will disband
is ridiculous.

The Republican Party is "too big to go away", but not too strong to not
be taken over!

The two "outsider" candidates are proving the right message resonates
now as it did with back to back mid term victories in 2010 and 2012. 

Across the country the grass roots are succeeding, and the establishment
within the party is filled with fear!

The Republican Party will not disappear, the political "stars" are aligned
for a takeover and a new "establishment" will arise, one that will adhere
to the party platform which includes Constitutional  limited govt. and 
fiscal responsibility as its primary tenets!

Someone needs to advise the political pundits! 

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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