Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What average Americans really think of immigrants!

If you believed what you read or heard in the media about the issue of immigration
you would be convinced the American people resent Hispanics coming here.

Look around and you cannot help but conclude nothing is further from the truth, the
proof being millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, who reside in the Unites States,
with more anxious to join them!

The estimated number of illegals range between 10-20 million, on top of a legal
population of approximately 30 million who arrived during the past two decades.

Is this "evidence" Americans are not hospitable to millions of foreign born residents?

And. how are these "nativists","xenophobes" or "anti-immigrant" Americans interacting
with immigrants?

Travel around, you'll see the real evidence, the interaction with people from other lands.
We do business with them, and they do business with us. You will not find an immigrant
owned business boycotted, protests in front of his home, or fired without cause.

You will see none of this because as we so often hear self-righteous politicians insultingly
say, "this is not who we are".

Of course not! We are the most inclusive country in the world and appreciate our strength
is the result of inclusiveness.

But, inclusiveness is not the issue, its how best to govern, which includes sensible immigration laws. We can no longer be keenly aware of what foreigners want and blind to what American workers need. 

What we are seeing is as old as politics itself, disparage those who speak the truth,
destroy their character so the lies become "truth".

If there was evidence our country is "anti immigrant" it would be difficult to defend.
But no evidence exists, only divisive political rhetoric which is finally failing as truth
is supported by facts.

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