Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mexico is already paying for the wall!

Ever since President Trump said he would build a wall on our Southern
border and "Mexico will pay for the wall" he has been attacked and
ridiculed by his opponents, former Mexican president, political pundits,
the media and even some of his supporters.

Are they right? Will President Trump be made a fool for continuing
to insist on doing something most do not agree will happen. Or, are
they totally wrong, ignoring what was already done by our Congress.

Most people are unaware of the 'Secure Fence Act of 2006' in which
Congress appropriated $1 billion to protect the American border even
though little was done to stop the flow of drug coming in from Mexico. 

So there is already a precedent, the idea a barrier approved and even
funded by our country. The new 'wrinkle' President Trump throws is
that Mexico should pay for it, which his critics question how cannot
be done.

Trump demands are reported as him trying to bully a smaller nation.

Quite the opposite, Mexico has been the stronger in our NAFTA
trade relationship with an advantage than could be five walls!

More than a year ago President Trump told the American people
that Mexico has an unfair $50-60 billion trade surplus which needs
to be more balanced.

If  our trade with Mexico nears being balanced than we would have
the money to build the wall, estimated at $10 billion.

Further, even now Mexico has begun paying for the wall as companies
are deciding to cancel projects in Mexico and move plants already
there back to the US.

President Trump approach to creating jobs in the US by lowing the
cost to business is the key to reducing the $800 billion trade deficit
between the US and it major trade partners, such as Japan, China,
Europe, Canada and Mexico.

What many took as bluster has deeper roots and was meant to set
a new course.

President Trump knows exactly what he is saying, create an environment
where it is better to create jobs in the United States than elsewhere,
at the expense of American workers!

Secondly, what has occurred over the past year in Mexico?  Carrier
decided to keep building its air conditioners in Indiana,  Ford will
not move manufacturing to Mexico, John Deere is leaving Mexico,

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