Sunday, January 15, 2017

A "license" to be divisive

Its interesting how some people are not held to the same standard
as Donald Trump is. For almost two years Trump's been bombarded
with criticism, often much deserved, for his remarks during the
campaign.  No one gave Trump a pass, nor should they. If he said
something offensive or divisive, he owns it!

Not so with Rep. John Lewis who is rightfully acknowledged as
civil right hero in the 20th century. And for this reason Lewis is
not criticized for his headline grabbing remarks which have been
aired for several days and will continue as long as they hurt Trump.

This is what occurred after Lewis called Donald Trump 'illegitimate',
based on his belief Russia "elected" him.

Lewis is so respected even those who disagree with his comment
felt compelled to mention his past achievements first.

Really?  Has anyone considered that Lewis is taking advantage of
his moral high ground, using his most pious tone, to widen the
gap between forty millions Blacks and Trump?

Lewis is well-schooled in partisan politics and quite comfortable
beating the Democrat drum that 'Russia elected Trump'.

And, Lewis is not alone, ask any member of the Congressional Black
Caucus and most agree with him.

They do not want a better relationship between Donald Trump and
the Black community, as evidenced by Lewis remarks being used
in anti-Trump fund raising letters.

Lewis was a hero in the sixties, but  "what has he done lately?"

Those who refuse to criticize John Lewis need to ask this question.

Where was his voice condemning the Black Lives Matter movement
which gave license to hatred of law enforcement leading to several
assassinations of cops?

Where was Lewis in the fight against the genocide of unborn
Blacks, double the percentage of Afro-Americans?

Nor, do I recall Lewis speaking out for more to be done to end
the national scourge of drugs destroying Black communities.

Nor, did I see Lewis meet with conservative Black ministers to fight
against illegal immigration that has hurt Black workers the most.

I'm sorry folks, the John Lewis we see today is NOT the one who
walked with Martin Luther King.  Lewis is just another politician,
seeking a partisan advantage to serve his party.

John Lewis "owns" his 'illegitimate' comments which incidentally
echo what is being sent out by the Democrat Party.

Lewis did not care about the negative impact his remarks would
have on millions of Blacks who revere his past accomplishments.

It was time to yell "fire" in a crowded theater, and John Lewis
was man for the job, how little he must think of himself.

I have no respect for Lewis or most of the Black members of
Congress who used race related issues to advance their own
careers, at the expense of the people they claim to represent!

One last point, the political party which most Black Americans
have gravitated to is the Democrat Party whose members beat Lewis
and had dogs attack him and other protesters, a mention you will
not find in "revisionist" history books!

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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