Friday, January 6, 2017

Woody Guthrie is turning over in his grave....

Most people do not know who Woody Guthrie was and rarely his name is
brought  up in conversations, even on topics he was keenly interested in.

Guthrie was a folk singer of the Depression era, at a time our country was
captured in poverty and most Americans saw little to be encouraged by.

He wrote many songs about the 'human condition' and reminded us, it is
OUR country, not the government's!

One of his legendary songs, . "This Land" reminded all Americans of every
citizen's birthright, strengthened with the certainty of key lyrics,

'This land is your land, this land is my land.....
                                                      .....this land was made for you and me"

The song has an interesting history, with changes, noted on this link:

I thought of Guthrie as I read that President Obama, during his two terms,
"took" more than eight hundred thousand square miles, more than three
times the size of Texas.

The story:

What most Americans do not know, even before Barack Obama was elected
one third of our country was federal land, including fifty percent west of the
Mississippi River.

This has been the pattern ever since President Teddy Roosevelt  designated
valued land for our National Parks system.

Over the years several presidents decided to isolate thousands of acres,
terminate state authority which removed citizens from deciding the best
use of THEIR land.

Its been over one hundred years this has been going on, yet Congress and
state delegations have done little to stop this abuse of federal power without
the consent of the people.

There is no need for the federal government to continue this "one direction"
land acquisition policy of ownership.

This country was not created to be a bastion of centralized authority with
states being only called upon to elect representatives and pay for whatever
the federal government demands citizens must.

Only when the desires of the people are respected and their will determines
elected officials decisions can we be assured the vision of the Founders have
been fulfilled!

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