Wednesday, January 18, 2017

"One Term Tillis"

What is it about first term Republican senators in NC, do they really have
a single term death wish?  Will Sen. Thom Tillis join Lauch Faircloth and
Elizabeth Dole and squander his incumbency and lose his reelection bid
by being out of touch?

If the following is any indication, he just might.

Sen. Tillis gained national attention today when Rush Limbaugh offered
a response to an Op-ed Tillis submitted to the Charlotte Observer, a hard
left leaning paper which I'm sure is in full agreement.

It was not the kind of attention Sen. Tillis is likely to appreciate as
Limbaugh took him s "to school" on his assessment of the 2016 election.

Tillis Op-ed was entitled, "Voters didn't give the Republicans a mandate".

If we didn't know Tillis wrote it we could easily conclude it was written
by the New York Times or any of Democrat, or even a few of his get-along
Republican colleagues.

Perhaps its that Tillis is his "rookie" season as our senator, or that he has
been dining with McCain or one of his 'establishment' colleagues for him
to believe there was no mandate.

If Tillis would tally up the number of Republican governors, state
legislatures, majority in both chambers of Congress he would see what
a mandate the GOP does have.

Voters across the country did provide a mandate, to govern as conservatives,
not "reach across the aisle" and get bloodied for the effort.

We have seen the damage when extending our hand in bi-partisanship.

Tillis foolishly say the public is tired of the "gridlock".  Really?

I would not call deficit spending, record debt, greater power shifted to
Washington and more regulations "gridlock".  It is governance malfeasance.

One last point, we need to understand exactly what a 'mandate' is.

Its not always to "do something". In the case of the millions of people who
voted Republican to control Congress and for Donald Trump it means to
"stop doing something"..such as deficit budgets and increasing annual debt
and allowing lobbyists to 'govern

Read the following transcript from Limbaugh, once again he nails it!

RUSH:  North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis in the Charlotte Observer yesterday wrote his own op-ed: “Voters Didn’t Give Republicans a Mandate.”  He says, “Since the election, I’ve heard some of my fellow Republicans claim that the party received a decisive mandate from voters. Let’s be clear: The American people didn’t give the GOP a stamp of approval or a mandate to ram through an ideologically-driven, far-right agenda. If the election was a mandate for anything, it was for elected officials in both parties to break through the gridlock to finally start producing results.”

RUSH: Now, Thom Tillis. I ran into this last night, and I know what’s going on here. And this, by the way, is, I think, a good illustration.

So here comes Thom Tillis, senator, North Carolina, in the Charlotte Observer, writing an op-ed piece claiming: “Voters Didn’t Give Republicans a Mandate.” He says, “Since the election, I’ve heard some of my fellow Republicans claim that the party received a decisive mandate from voters.” He says, “Let’s be clear: the American people didn’t give the GOP a stamp of approval or a mandate to ram through an ideologically-driven, far-right agenda.” Here’s a Republican using the term “far-right.”

I mean, that is a derogatory term, and he’s using it to talk about his own voters and other Republicans all across the country. He says, “If the election was a mandate for anything, it was for elected officials in both parties to break through the gridlock to finally start producing results.” Now, this is patently not true. It’s obviously not true. So why is he writing this? Well, I will venture forth some guesses here in just a second. But let’s deal with the substance here.

How could anybody look at this election and this campaign and conclude that what voters wanted was the two parties to “break through the gridlock” and work together? Because what has happened in this country since 2010 is that the Democrat Party has been shellacked.

The American people have defeated Democrats in 2010, 2012. Remember, even when Obama wins reelection 2012, the Republicans won control of the House. The tea Party election 2010, then 2012, and then they got the Senate.

They’ve lost over a thousand electoral seats in national and state elections. They have been repudiated totally. Obama personally and political has been repudiated. There was no evidence and is no evidence whatsoever that American voters want anything to do with the Democrat agenda. Not a majority of them. The Democrat Party has been, folks — it really has been rendered — in many ways not a national party.

Democrats were told to take a hike. And yet here’s a Republican senator claiming that this is an election about sending Republicans and Democrats to Washington to work together, to stop gridlock.

This election was specifically about making America great again. And to do that, the American people realized they had to defeat Democrats. They don’t want to the Democrats participating in this. The Democrats are the reason people are miserable and unhappy and have future careers that look dismal and look like they’re absent any serious health care. I mean, it’s just… It’s a total, total mess. Tillis then says, “Americans from all walks of life have voiced their deep frustration with Washington’s seeming inability to get anything constructive done.”

There’s all kinds of stuff that got done, and the American people didn’t like it. How in the world can Tillis say that people are tired of Washington not getting anything done?

One-sixth of the U.S. economy was taken over by Washington! Health care. The Constitution ceased to exist. Look at immigration! The laws of the land have been entirely, totally ignored. People cannot find work. There are 94 million Americans not working because of Obama and Democrat Party economic policies.

There is or was national malaise of depression and just America was flatlined. There wasn’t any energy; there wasn’t any optimism. Obama was giving away the United States’ superpower status. He was giving away the American lead in technology and in energy. This was about all kinds of things getting done that the American people didn’t vote for!

“For decades,” Mr. Tillis writes, “they have watched politicians talk a good game while failing to deliver.” No, no, no, no. They have delivered! This is the problem! This is a Republican senator writing this, don’t forget. The Democrats have delivered.

And the Republicans didn’t do very much to stop it. We have out-of-control budget deficits. We had a out of control national debt. We have Obama budget after Obama budget that was rubber-stamped and authorized!

There wasn’t anything that didn’t get done? The government was growing inexorably. The government was growing unstoppingly. The government was taking over everything it could get its hands on!

The IRS had been politicized. The EPA had been politicized. The Department of Justice had been politicized. You had the Benghazi circumstance where people were put in jail for having had nothing to do with what happened. The American people were lied to routinely.

We had Fast and Furious where the Regime sold high-powered weapons to Mexican drug cartels in a scheme to get the American people so upset they demanded gun control, which is another thing the Democrats are trying to do is get rid of guns.

And Senator Tillis claims that the American people are tired of nothing getting done? The American people are tired of precisely what was happening and getting done! He says, “They have watched as politicians intentionally create chaos and widen the partisan divide for their own personal gain.”

Republicans were given mandates in 2010. The Republicans were given a mandate in 2014. They didn’t do anything! Here’s Tillis saying that there wasn’t ever a mandate and certainly not in 2016. “Republicans should remember that when Trump campaigned, he wasn’t holding up a conservative manifesto at every rally. Instead, his message was simple: cut deals and deliver results.”

Senator Tillis, you either weren’t listening or you’re not watching. Have you noticed who he’s surrounded himself with?

Take a look at Trump’s cabinet. Take a look at the people who speak for Trump. He has surrounded himself with perhaps a more conservative cabinet than any Republican president we’ve ever had!

Mr. Tillis obviously is going to run for some other office somewhere down the road, because this — what he’s writing here and what he’s saying — bears no resemblance to what happened
in the most recent election.

This is the kind of moderate, bipartisan BS that you get from RINOs, and RINOs had nothing to do with this past election, other than trying to stop Trump, and they failed.

Thom Tillis was elected in North Carolina to enact conservative solutions, to participate with the rest of the party in enacting conservative solutions to the existing problems created by the left and by the Democrat Party.

He was not sent to Washington to compromise with far, far leftists in the Senate! I can’t believe that he actually thinks he was sent to Washington to compromise with radical leftists.

But here’s the thing. Senator Tillis, like it or not, the problems that we have that Trump was elected to address and fix are going to have solutions, and every one of these solutions — and I don’t care who you are. Every solution is going to have conservative elements. It must or there won’t be any solution.

Any solution that has any of the status quo, which has radical liberalism in it, will not be a solution! It will be a continuation.

And Mr. Tillis was not sent to Washington to continue what has been happening the past eight years. Tillis barely won his first election to the Senate, and he would not have won if conservatives had seen this side of him.

If he had campaigned for his Senate seat writing things like this, he would not have won. In this sense, he’s a throwback.

He is one of those guys that, as a Republican, runs as a conservative and tells you all these great things you want to hear — and gets to Washington and doesn’t do it. So maybe he wants to be governor of North Carolina someday. I don’t know. But this is the kind of stuff you say if you are going to seek an office in, say, a local election or state election like governor, where you have a sizable collection of leftists and Northeastern transplanted Yankees who’ve come down to escape high taxes and oppressive government and are creating the same circumstances in their new locations in the South.

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