Monday, January 9, 2017

The less traveled "high road"!

Don't expect the critics of Donald Trump to stop anytime soon.
This is the way they are, and will always be! The "low road" is
the road they prefer to travel!

These people are not merely liberals who engage respectfully
with conservatives, these are hard core, intolerant Leftists
who will never respect views they disagree with.

These critics use whatever 'pulpit' provided, such as celebrities
use award show venues, to offer their own political message,
falsely believing this is what the public is fawning to hear!

They refuse to accept that not everyone is in agreement with
them, a view not based on knowledge, only sheer arrogance!

Trump's critics will applaud the majority of voters who wanted
Hillary to be our next president, but refuse to respect that over
sixty million Americans wanted Trump to win!

Doesn't this mean anything to his critics? Of course not!

There is no respect towards these people, especially when THEIR
votes in battle ground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
and North Carolina, decided Donald Trump would be our president.

Trump's critics believe these people have less value than the millions
of voters along the west coast and the northeast who voted for Hillary.

Rather than understand why they favored Trump critics ridiculed them,
calling them "less educated", "nationalists", even "White"!

Trump's voters are dismissed Leftist bigots, for the 'crime' of residing
in 'fly over country', the people joked about each evening on the late
night  talk shows and judged not "sophisticated" to understand complex

These voters are considered 'out of touch' for they don't read the New
York Times or embrace everything ill informed Hollywood luminaries
have to say.  And, worse they are stupid for electing Donald Trump!

Donald Trump rightly refuses to let any criticism go undefended, he
responds in kind, using social media to bypass biased media with a
direct message to millions of followers, equal to his number of voters!

Even respected, well known Trump supporters urge him to 'tone it down'
as he only brings attention to critics his supporters don't give a whit about.

But, when the complicit and partisan media join with Leftist groups such
advice is not worth taking.

I'm of another opinion, Trump should continue to "be Trump". He should
continue to use this 21st century 'bully pulpit' to speak directly to the
people who deserve to hear what HE has to say, not what others have to
say about him.

Donald Trump can go a step further, something his critics would never do,
travel the road less traveled, the "high road", to raise the level discourse in
his message, This is the one his supporters want and all Americans deserve.

This is how Donald Trump won the election, with the cornerstone, "Make
America great again"! In every response to each attack, Trump should
remind all Americans why he ran and what he intends to do!

The high road is the one Hillary refused to travel when she called Trump
voters 'despicable and deplorable' at an Planned Parenthood event to a
crowd which cheered in agreement.

Consider for a moment what Hillary said, that Trump voters are deserving
of ridicule!

Now, think of what Trump never said of any group of supporters of Hillary
or other candidates. Not once do I recall Trump calling any group of people
who supported Hillary, Bernie or even President Obama any derogatory names.

In fact, Trump reached out to Bernie voters who were disenfranchised by
a 'rigged' Democrat Party system and a Black constituency whose quality of
life is worse after eight years of the failed promise of "hope and change".
As Trump told them, "What have you got to lose?"

Its only the Leftists who have much to lose!

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or email,

 "Point of View" blog

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