Saturday, January 21, 2017

Are we missing the genius of President Trump's "tweets"

President Trump has been criticized for using 'Twitter' throughout
his campaign, as being beneath the dignity of political discourse.

Despite the criticism  Trump continued 'tweeting' to millions of
followers, without the filter of the media.

Will President Trump, our 'Commander in Chief', also be called our
"Tweeter in Chief" if he decides to continue communicating directly
with millions of social media followers.

We can expect the same critics to say its "not presidential", but
they should consider how wrong similar criticism once was.

The "not presidential" argument was unsuccessfully tried in the
1930s as Franklin Roosevelt used radio 'fireside chats' to talk
directly to the American people, taking advantage of radio as
future presidents would television.

Twitter is no different, it allows for unfiltered, unbiased and
direct communication.

In fact, politicians have been using Twitter since its inception
to get their message out. So why not a president?

Most of us 'connect' with the president through a long distance lens
as he is walking through a room, towards his car or Air Force One,
or sitting with a world leader. We rely on news reports or a White
House spokesman, or political pundits, not the president directly.

Only on rare occasions do the American people hear from the president
directly. We see them from a distance, rarely in direct contact unless
it is as a major statement.

I believe President Trump will change all that. He believes in staying
close to the American people, and social media allows him to do this.
He can tweet on key issues we may not be aware of, agreements made
with other nations, recognizing outstanding Americans, successes and

Tweeting is a long distance connection we have accepted, this new
technology is as common today as the telephone was 100 years ago.

Also, we can tweet back, creating a dialogue which cannot be done
with "one direct' media airing!

What Trump has begun may be commonplace in the future...where
presidents and the people can have ongoing dialogues and there
is nothing wrong with this!

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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