Friday, January 20, 2017

America's New Dawn!

America's New Dawn!
There seemed to be more anticipation for Donald Trump's Inauguration
Address than all others. And rightly so.

What would the most unorthodox president say in his first address
to the American people?

Those who know him best, the millions who elected him, may have
already knew. His opening remarks set the tone.

"Today's ceremony has very special meaning. Because today we are not
merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from
one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington
and giving it back to you, the American People.
That all changes – starting right here, and right now, because this 
moment is your moment: it belongs to you. It belongs to everyone 
gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This 
is your day. This is  your celebration. And this, the United States
of America, is your country.

January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became 
the rulers of this nation again.

With all that has been said about him, Trump made certain the reason
he ran was reiterated!

Quite simply, President Trump was 'sick and tired' seeing how our
govt was serving the American people.

His address today was built on his campaign promise, it cut to
the heart of our country's problems, the failure of government.

The members of Congress may have been uncomfortable hearing
an incoming president speak as Trump did. But, as uncomfortable
as they were, the people who voted for Trump were comforted
hearing him say again what he said for almost two years.

The media made Trump's first official speech the focus of their
first 'official' criticism.  They universally panned his speech,
concluding his remarks will make it difficult "working" with
Congress after taking them to task for their failures.

Even now, the media and political pundits still don't "get it"!

What the media neglected to say was that President Trump spoke
the truth as he has since announcing his candidacy in June, 2015.

Throughout the speech Trump reminded the American people
of who they are and the nation they deserve!

He pointed to the problems, here and abroad, that cost American
jobs and threatened American security.

Trump did not sugar coat his message in deference to the members
of Congress or even outgoing President Obama.

Trump reminded every American, in this country anyone can speak
"truth to power" no matter his position.

Today, the American people have a president who speaks for them,
unlike any president since Franklin Roosevelt did.

The media will try to undermine Trump's remarks and even some
politicians will take exception to what he said.

No matter, President Trump's commitment to the American people
will remain an unbreakable bond between them.

Reagan's speech writers gave us "morning in America". Trump
has given the American people a "New Dawn"!

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