Wednesday, January 4, 2017

In NC the people have 'voted' for four years!

Here in NC the voters recently elected a new governor, legislature and
local officials.

But, for more than four years in Wake and neighboring counties each
day most drivers heading to work or shopping cast their 'vote', against
toll roads!

Even though the Southwestern section of state road 540, formerly
designated an interstate roadway, is a beautiful and easily accessible
thoroughfare, the majority of drivers do not use it and continue to use
SR 55 congested with many backups due to dozens of traffic signals.

And for one reason...the egregious toll, which might be the highest
per mile in the nation!

Some officials have the gall to say its not the toll which led to the sparse
number of drivers. But, the NON-tolled section, Northeastern I-540, an
interstate roadway, is congested during rush hours proves otherwise.
Its obvious except to politicians, the toll is the difference!

It apparent, once a new 'piggy bank' such as the one created with toll
revenue politicians are reluctant to eliminate it.

In fact, one reason attributed to Gov. McCrory lose by less than 6000
votes was his support of toll roads. There is an opinion this decision
cost McCrory more than 30,000 votes!

The burden of new road construction and maintenance should be shared
as all other roadways are funded, by the revenue generated by the more
than seven billion gallons of fuel consumed for transportation annually.

Its long past time the General Assembly end the reliance on tolls to
fund basic roadways especially when the public does not want them.

To learn more and join the effort, go the the "NC Citizens Against Toll
Roads" website


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