Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Congressional insult to America's "Blue Heroes"

The prize winning painting of  the annual Congressional Art competition
was taken down in December by Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA,  in response
to more than 27,000 protests from law enforcement, six months after being
placed in the Capitol  complex. The winner is a high school student.

The reason, Rep. Hunter was offended by the message, that portrayed cops
as pigs!  Duncan returned the painting to Missouri Rep. Lacy Clay's office
who heads the annual competition.

This led Clay and several of his colleagues to rehang the painting saying
it represented "free speech", with little interest of the message it implied.

The "cops are pigs" rhetoric is nothing new, its decades old, born as
a taunt in major cities by anti-war and civil rights protesters to provoke
law enforcement to use needless force against them!

Well, yesterday's taunt has become today's rallying cry, condoned by
politicians who seem to revel in allegations against law enforcement,
even ones proven false.

This event is troubling from several perspectives. First, consider the
high school student who made this painting. Is this what this student
actually believes, that "cops are pigs"?  If so, than public education
has a long way to go in what is being taught, and more disappointing,
what is not taught in our schools.

Secondly, educated individuals fortunate enough to have the honor
to serve in Congress refuse to acknowledge the disrespect this painting
shows towards law enforcement, quick to use 'free speech' as a defense,
yet not condemn this as "hate speech", which is what it really is!

Finally, what of the two thousand officers who come to work each day
and feel offended seeing this "artwork" as they patrol the Capitol? How
much consideration did the people who chose this winning painting give
to the people who protect them?

If you have not seen the painting, this is what it takes to 'win' in the
judgement of Rep. Clay and his colleagues.

This link reports the story:   http://fxn.ws/2i0FkIl

Oh, there is one more portrait I want to share, two officers who died this
week in Orlando doing what most others would not, protect and serve their

Rep. Clay should find a place for their photos on the walls of the US Capitol.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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