Saturday, January 14, 2017

What Donald Trump offers the 'anti-Trump' protesters

At no time in American history do I believe so many groups
have aligned themselves towards an incoming president as
ones against Donald Trump; groups, diverse yet unified in
their hatred, yes hatred, towards our next president.

Included are organized labor, teacher unions, minority
groups, women's groups, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, media
among others.

Trump never offered duplicitous messages, honed to appeal
to whatever group he was speaking to like most politicians.
He offered the same message to every audience, "make
American strong again, safe again and great again!"

Respectful dissent should always be encouraged; but obscene,
over the top anger needs to responded to.

Organized labor has suffered for decades as companies abandoned
the US, under presidents of both parties, for more profitable
manufacturing sites overseas. Trump wants to change this by
offering lower corporate tax rates, reducing regulations and
penalizing companies for departing US locales.

Teacher unions claim Trump will damage public education, absurd
and without merit if they bothered to listen to him. Trump wants
education to be local, not driven by Washington that mandated
what local schools must do. He wants to end the Common Core
standard both teachers and parents are against. Many teachers
know well their efforts have been damaged by the 'intrusion' of
the Dept. of Education in what and how the teach. Such concerns
are not backed with facts!

Minority groups need to understand Donald Trump, unlike other
politicians boldly campaigned he will take on the challenges of
poverty, crime, drugs, failing education and lack of opportunities.

As Donald Trump says to minority groups, "What do you have to lose?".

To this I add,"Give him at least once chance, after giving the same
people chance after chance, year after year, with little improvement".

Women's groups need to look at a calendar, its the 21st century, not
the 1970s! The glass ceiling has been shattered, women can be found
serving in McDonalds, running universities, CEOs of major corporations,
and even be the Secy. of State. Trump has proven for over forty years
in business women can do as well as men. He even fully supports and
has contributed to Planned Parenthood. There is no evidence he will
differ while president.

Hollywood concerns are impossible to understand for they fail to address
how Trump affects them. It is Trump who has spoken about intellectual
property, including the piracy of the creative works of Hollywood, that
politicians have failed to end. Trump has committed to end this thievery.

Silicon Valley offers no argument either, yet Trump offers the same
reassurance, to protect the IT industry as well.

The media is the toughest to convince, it is ideologically driven by a group
without much skin in the game. Its obvious they have taken sides, they
disregard principled journalism in favor of biased reporting. They fail
to see such blatant partisanship has resulted in dwindling readership and
viewership. They are too blind to see the connection. Trump will never
convince them, even as the country becomes better than it is.

Will this simmer down the 'anti-Trump' protesters?  It really doesn't
matter, as long as Trump achieves his campaign promises resulting in
"Making America great again!"

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