Thursday, January 5, 2017

Congress keeps tripping over a molehill its mistakes for a mountain

As early as September there were reports Russia was trying to
influence our presidential election and desired Donald Trump to
be our next president by 'hacking' into US computer systems.

Stories of Russia go back as far back as the Summer of 2015,
but were not important enough for Obama's State Dept. to

Before going into the moste allegation that private email accounts
were hacked by the Russians to undermine the election, the current
landscape needs to be examined, after eight years of President
Obama at the helm and four years Hillary Clinton ran the State Dept.

Obama weakened our defenses in Eastern Europe which pleased Putin.

Hillary made the deal with Canadian 'middle man' which allowed Russia
to get uranium from the US.

Obama did nothing when Putin took Crimea from Ukraine.

Hillary offered Putin a "reset button", an inference the relationship would
be better than it was when George Bush was president.

This all occurred in the first two years!!

With such a cozy relationship we are now asked to believe Russia wanted
Trump to be our next president!  Really??

I have been watching the folks in Washington going after Russia for
affecting the outcome of our presidential election.

According to the cyber experts in several govt. agencies the Russians
"hacked" into American computer systems.

Which govt. systems were hacked? Were they any of the systems at the
FBI, CIA, Dept. of Defense? If you thought any of these, you whiffed!

According to the heads of Natl. Security and CIA, the Russians hacked
into a private email account, not any of the secured government systems.

Consider, we are asked to believe Putin had no interest in information
concerning the war in Syria, our next generation of fighter aircraft, or
even our plans to fight ISIS.

What he really wanted to know is what people working to elect Hillary
Clinton were communicating to one another about!  Really?

Is this what we are expected to "swallow"?

Add to this, the folly of members of Congress doing what they always do,
make something out of nothing and being led by two Republican anti-
Russian hawks, Mc Cain and Graham.  McCain goes so far to call this
'hacking' was an "act of war"! Again, really?

Since when is a breach of a private computer system an 'act of war'?

These allegations against Russia are the latest misdirect and comes from
the same agencies who have failed time and again to thwart terrorist attacks
in areas we use our surveillance.

This latest front page story is part of the continued effort by the Democrats
to de-legitimize the presidency of Donald Trump.

The grand design of Democrats will continue. They will be relentless to the
point of being stupid enough to let everyone see they plan on deliberately
undermining anything Donald Trump attempts.

We have seen the meaningless recount by a candidate who settled for two
weeks of media coverage, criticism of the Electoral count which is what
determines the victor and now the folly of the Russians 'electing' Trump.

Along with  these feeble attempts comes the warning of what is next.
Sen. Schumer has told Trump Democrats will fight tooth and nail against
nominees they oppose, stating the confirmation hearings will draw on
for months.

Recall, this is the same party of Obama who saw 13 of his 14 appointments
confirmed in two weeks, with seven in two days!

There was no such warning from Republicans, they respected the desires of
President Obama and refused to poison the process.

Between some Republicans chiming in against Russia and Democrat boldly
stating they will be obstructionists Trump will have more to do than "make
America great again".

At this time I can think of no better person to address the problems and the politics!

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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