Thursday, January 12, 2017

Obama's Foreign Policy....."Bombs Away!"

Last week I read that in 2016 we dropped over 26,000 bombs in
several Middles East countries. with 24,000 in Syria and Iraq alone.

I did not give this report much notice, but thought of it when
I heard Sen/ Marco Rubio ask Secy. of State nominee, Rex
Tillerson would he call Vladimir Putin a "war criminal".

Well, if Rubio believes Putin is a war criminal would the people
in Middle East reasonably consider President Obama one as

I don't recall the US declaring war on Syria or President Obama
telling the American people a bombing campaign would begin,
why and the targets.

Wouldn't our actions be considered "criminal" as well? Yet,
not a peep from Rubio or other members of Congress.

obvious attempt by Rubio to jump on the anti-Russia band
wagon while placing Tillerson in an awkward position as
he is the person who will meet with Putin.

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