Sunday, July 24, 2016

Moving "deck chairs" might be good first step!

If you followed Congress for the past 3-4 decades you probably reached
the same conclusion, cemented by polls of 10% favorable, it is broken.

But, how many of researched into the bowels to see what is preventing
Congress from doing a better job so the public's view of it will improve.

I did and found many areas where improvements can easily be made, but yet
to find any evidence serious efforts have been made.

As I looked at the mechanisms, the rules, the protocols, the influences;
I found the reason a 10% favorable opinion is deserving!

The members of Congress don't have a chance to serve responsibly! 

Begin with 'factions', which from the very beginning have fractured Congress'
ability to represent the people as the institution was designed and written
into the Constitution.

"Factions' are commonly known as political parties. We have two, Democrat
and Republican that jointly govern, 'ruling' with little concern for the
citizens they periodically pander to stay in power.

Although we are governed by this two-party system, it should not mean the
two parties govern us! "We the People" must prevail!

If political parties weaken governance, what can be done?

We can start with the very first thing which occurs when members enter the
Senate and the House chambers. Dutifully each member takes his assigned seat
either to the left or right, depending on their party affiliation.

The very first thing they do is show allegiance to their party, not to their
state delegation or the people they represent!

Common sense and simple logic seems to have escaped the leadership that
considers this representative of the people!

The leadership should require members to sit with other members of their state
delegation. This simple, visible step binds them for the most important thing
they have in common, the citizens they represent in their respective state!

Changing the seating arrangement, the "deck chairs", translates into the first yet
simple way to demonstrate the commonality of representation.

This is a start.....more to follow....stay tuned....

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