Sunday, July 17, 2016

Despicable....but not surprising!

I'm never surprised with News and Observer editorials and associated
political cartoons, so the one below was met with a shrug.

Indulge me to make a point about the misinformation the N & O has been
reporting under the banner of journalism, the troubled relationship between
law enforcement and Black community.

Yes, there are problems, especially in crime ridden communities, but its not
as bad as is being reported.

Ever since 'Black Lives Matter' was spawned by the 'New Black Panther Party'
it had a single purpose, offer law enforcement as a threat to Black communities.
As untrue as this is, evidenced in excellent book, "War on Cops" by Heather Mac Donald,​ ​
and described on this link,, the media refused to report it. 

Most news agencies were perfectly comfortable giving angry protesters media
venues to make false accusations to fit a poisonous narrative. They relished
reporting the "fire in a crowded theater" when none exists.
The media knows full well law enforcement has no desire to kill Blacks, no matter
the circumstance that can create confrontations. But, why report truth when a
divisive issue can be propagated!

Black Lives Matter continues to turn lies into an issue, knowing  media will dutifully
 reports it, leading the drum beat of racial 'pot stirring' to inflame Black communities! 

Black Lives Matter has no interest in making communities safer, free of drugs, or add
quality schools and jobs.  Its law enforcement that gets attention, not the social issues
that cripples the spirit of easily persuaded and disheartened that consumes these
professional anarchists!

It is deliberate, made easier when a complicit media refuses to report the facts!

What could the media have done?

For starters they could have stopped the runaway train of misinformation before it
left the station, rather than watch it move across the country at breakneck speed,
beginning nearly  two years ago departing from Ferguson, MO in August, 2014
when Michael Brown was killed by a cop.

The media portrayed Mr. Brown as innocent, 'minding his own business' , when he
was shot. Not true, Brown attempted to get the officer's gun.

The media reported a LIE that hardened into truth that Brown was needlessly killed
by a cop, giving birth to the battle cry, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot", that became so
popular members of  the St. Louis Rams football team ran on the field with their
own hands in the air that even became a commercial bonanza for T-shirt makers!

To the facts, only two times Brown raised his hands, first when he was assaulting
a much smaller store clerk captured on video and second when he attempted to take
the police officer's gun when questioned on the street! THAT is what the media
never reported!! Again, this lie visually 'proven' on national TV became true.

Note: The police officer was exonerated, found not guilty.

Perhaps if the media fulfilled its obligation towns across the country would not have
been looted by rioters or more than a dozen cops assassinated!

This is the result of poisonous seed planted by Black Lives Matter. Fraudulent
reporting and political cartoons do more damage to Black communities and
whatever concocted stories about cops could ever do!

The attached cartoon is nothing to laugh about!

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