Thursday, July 14, 2016

The method of Black Lives Matter madness.....

Most thinking American already know law enforcement has no desire to
kill Blacks, no matter the circumstance which may create confrontations.
Unfortunately, they are not the ones the media run to whenever a Black
man is killed by a cop.  

You will not hear reports contradicting the lies that ferment long enough
to be believed the truth!  When the narrative is what the media wants
there is no reason to delve deeper to find the truth.

But, the truth is already in print, the "War on Cops", by Heather Mac Donald.

In decades of surveys of Black communities the issues are always education,
jobs, drugs,  crime, in no particular order.

Police shooting are barely mentioned, they only rise to the surface when groups
such as the New Black Panther party and its sibling, Black Lives Matter start
the drum beat of racial 'pot stirring'! Both are driven to create anarchy and
a racial divide!  

We need to understand why infrequent police shootings rise to the point of being
considered worse then every day difficulties so many poor minorities face. 
Black Lives Matter has no interest in making communities safer, free of drugs,
with quality schools and jobs. Its only law enforcement, not the social issues that
has crippled the spirit of  minimally educated and unskilled Blacks that consumes
our country's professional anarchists!
The reason is inescapable, its deliberate!

Consider where these  'protests' are held. Not in front of police headquarters
or precincts. not town halls, nor in front of the White House.

Protests are held where the public, mostly White, work. BLM prefers to
clog up the streets of working people in intimidating fashion. Protesters
have no interest in governing bodies even though elected officials are the
ones to address supposed racist policing.

BLM is deliberately avoiding the social ailments as this would reflect
on President Obama and his failing policies that have kept Black and
other struggling communities worse today than when he was elected.

As soon as Mr. Obama leaves office the real problems will be protested
for the next president to address.

The media could have stopped this runaway train of misinformation which
moved across the country nearly two years ago departing from Ferguson,
MO in August, 2014 when Michael Brown was killed by a cop..

The media portrayed Michael Brown as innocent, 'minding his own business'
when he was shot.Not true, he attempted to get the officers gun.

The media reported LIE hardened into truth that Mr. Brown was needlessly
killed by a cop, giving birth to the battle cry was "Hands Up, Don't Shoot",
which became so popular some members of the St. Louis Rams football
ran on the field with their own hands in the air and became a commercial
bonanza for T-shirt makers!

The only times Brown raised his hands was when he was lifting the much
smaller store clerk captured on video earlier and when he attempted to
take the police officer's gun! THAT is what the media never reported!!

Again, this lie visually 'proven' on national TV became true.

From this single lie across the country local communities are having
discussions on how to improve relations on a non-issue!

Several towns were torn apart with rioting and looting for what we
refer to as "journalism"!

This is the lunacy that has bloomed from a poisonous seed planted by
Black Lives Matter!

But, imagine how different things would be if after Ferguson President
Obama would have said Black Lives Matter is wrong, police do not
target Blacks. They serve today as is their duty!

Perhaps the assassination of two cops in NYC sitting in patrol car would
not have occurred, or the dozen other cops killed the past two years.

Black Lives Matter is achieving its goal, causing nationwide turmoil,
dividing Americans against Americans and not doing a damn thing for
Black communities!

But, the task is easy when spineless politicians and a complicit media
are such willing accomplices!

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