Monday, July 25, 2016

Missing from the DNC email scandal!

The news media jumped right on the story when WikiLeaks dumped
20,000 emails showing communications within the DNC to undermine
Bernie Sanders' campaign.

Naturally, such a story could not be reported without some connection
with Hillary Clinton, which we also learned this weekend.

Do I believe collusion exists between Hillary and DNC to hurt Sanders?
In a word, absolutely!

The drumbeat all weekend was about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
being behind the embarrassing emails. Debbie resigned and became
one more symbol of  'collateral damage' that follows on so many
occasions when there is a connection with the Clintons, no matter
their 'fingerprints' cannot be found!

But, one angle I only heard once was a connection between Politico,
a political-journalism organization and the DNC.  Its reporter agreed
with DNC to withhold story about Hillary Clinton's fundraising machine
before he submitted to his editors, which came to light by WikiLeaks.

Story on:

To me THIS is the story. We already know the poisonous environment
political parties exist in. And even though its well known most journalists
have partisan leanings what Politico did needs to be illuminated and its
credentials taken away!

What Politico did should not be a surprise. With the explosion of social
media, led by Facebook and Twitter, many 'journalistic' organizations
have sprung up.

As a political junkie, I especially frequent Twitter.  I follow and
followed by several hundred organizations and individuals from
news, sports, and other interests.

I say this to bring to light what I have seen first hand, the "journalists"
attack on Donald Trump by Politico @politico, The Hill @thehill ,
Huffington Post @HuffPostPol and Media Matters  @mmfa ,
Daily Kos @dailykos , Mother Jones @MotherJones
(Sure there are more)

Review what they spew out day after day, and determine for
yourselves if its 'journalism'.

I offer this not to defend Trump, but to let you know the ratio of
negative stories on him pale with the 'soft gloves' approach to
Hillary Clinton.

Will this fraudulent attempt to pass off as journalism be stopped?

Probably not, but at least it should be exposed!

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  1. I have little respect for the "journalists" of today. I listen to the "horse's mouth" and not the pundits and reporters. Still have been fooled by the likes of Cruz, Kasich and others. It's not easy these days to get the truth. I think Trump is the answer and I hope I'm not disappointed.


  2. Trump tried to tell Bernie that the system is rigged beginning with the Super Delegates already committed to Clinton but Bernie just smiled and kept on plugging away. He also didn't care about her scandalous emails, he just smiled and marched on. Now 20,000 conspiratorial emails between DNC staffers - any from the Clinton camp? I'm blown away by the vast number, 20,000, of emails involved in this issue.

    We can only hope Sanders' supporters are smart enough to see the corruption.


  3. William P Deans Sr
    I say let them keep it up and become more bold. Eventually they will turn on themselves as to which organization is best and which one should not be believed.

    I have of recent began to realize that the News Media are no longer promoting a candidate but themselves and their narrative. Fox is a good example and it is now slowly beginning to crumble. MSNBC came before them.

    They will eventually destroy each other and eventually be looked upon as just a tabloid. The only bad thing for us is we have to continue to listen / read and endure the slow demise of an already DEAD news media.

    When was the last time you heard, "they said it in the NY Times" and the response was SO !!


  4. As long as we have corrupt biased media we will be ok - we can see thru it all, they attack each other and by default we get both sides of the story and can make up our own minds and seek out the truth. Where we will problems is when all we have is State Sponsored Media. aka PBS.
