Thursday, July 7, 2016

What was President Obama thinking?

Like him or not, support his policies or not, don't you 
feel a little sorry for President Obama?

Yes, he may want our country to 'transform' in ways
most Americans do not want, and yes he'll rig the
system to push "social justice" not American justice.

Yes, he flaunts the trappings of the office, and shows
indifference towards the plight of the very people he
campaigned to help.

But, what may stand larger and may emblazon his
'legacy' was one of his first, and perhaps worst 
decisions will be questioned.

Of all the people he could have chosen from many
experienced and qualified individuals the president 
chose Hillary Clinton to serve as the most powerful 
and influential position in the Executive Branch, the
Secy of State.

How many times must the First Lady have asked,
 "what were you thinking"?  naming Hillary Clinton
as his  Secy of State,

Imagine for a  minute if Obama did not choose Hillary,
of Clinton, Inc., the 'Bonnie and Clyde' of pilfering
'contributions' in the name of doing good?

Qaddafi would still be alive and Libya stable.

Whomever was named Secy. of State would have
obeyed the law by only using a secure govt. server
to protect classified information.

The security of the highest level of communication
would not have been exposed to "hostile actors" as
FBI Director James Comey referred to whomever
else may have hacked into Clinton's system.

The tens of millions the State Dept. paid to donors to
the Clinton Foundation in a quid pro quo for business
directed their way would still be in govt. coffers.

And most importantly, four brave American patriots
would still be alive.

We should all join Michelle Obama and collectively
ask the president, "What were you thinking?"

At least for him the long nightmare she brought to
the Executive Branch will soon be over. In November
I only hope it ends for the American people too! 

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