Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Limited Government, the war has been lost!

Political parties enjoy telling anyone who will listen what they stand for.

Democrats were proud of being Liberal until the word went out of
favor, switching to Progressive, considered more palatable.

Republicans preferred to promote conservatism, christened by its
'godfather', William F. Buckley, and came into prominence under
President Reagan.

Conservative and Progressive do not work well together, it is a
constant tug-of-war, between citizens and independent states and
the national government.

Conservatives believe government should be limited and reigned
in when abuse replaces service. Progressives believe there is no
problem too small that government cannot or should not tend to!

Since 1980 there have been five presidents, two Democrats, three
Republicans, serving nine terms. During the thirty six years of these
presidencies our national government has grown each year, no matter
who was president or which party controlled Congress.

New laws were passed an average of 2000 per year while new
regulations were enacted at a rate of 1000 per week, for thirty six

There is no doubt Progressives have won the battle no matter what
Conservatives attempt to convince us. Anyone suffering from the
delusion we are a conservative country that favors limited government
needs a reality check.

Conservatives like the "trappings" as much as progressives! 

Democrat presidents, Clinton and Obama relished the opportunity
to expand government, this is what progressives do. For them, its
mission accomplished!

Republican presidents, Reagan, Bush-41 and  Bush-43 may not have
relished expanding government, but they did it too!  It wasn't mission
accomplished, it was conservatism shanghaied!

Under five terms of conservative Republican presidents our government
has grown, in size, burdening states, costing taxpayers.

How did this happen? The first clue came in 1988, with Bush-41 went
back on campaign pledge, "no new taxes" when he agreed with Democrats
not only to raise taxes but also signed Democrat legislation guided by
progressive desires, expanded governance.

A poignant example occurred under George W. Bush, the self described
'compassionate' conservative. If you did not understand what he meant
by compassionate, it is the antithesis of conservative.

A conservative Republican representative describes what he saw first hand:

"As the Republican Party is a party committed to limited government, 
George W. Bush had a different vision, and that vision resulted in education
and welfare policies that have increased the size of government."

This Congressman opposed both Bush's Medicare drug benefit plan and
education initiative, 'No Child Left Behind" Act, stating "I was concerned
that the ship of conservative governance was veering off course into
dangerous uncharted waters of big govt. Republicanism"

Note: Medicare expansion added burden to states, and No Child Left Behind
was a failure, recently replaced with another program.

This conservative Congressman quickly learned the difference between
a conservative and a compassion conservative.

BTW, this Congressman is Mike Pence, now governor of Indiana, and on
the ticket with Donald Trump.

Those who profess to be conservatives will continue to campaign about
"limited government", promising the size of the national government would
not grow under a congress and president with these credentials.

But, at every juncture since Richard Nixon who incidentally created OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) ,MSHA (Mine Safety and
Health Administration) , NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) , , "self-professed"
conservatives presidents and Congresses have failed to reduce or even limit
government growth.

The only hope conservatives have since the battle for limited government
has been lost is to demand Congress and Federal agencies raise the levels
of effectiveness, efficiency and competency!

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