Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Democrats made a mistake Bill Clinton didn't in 1992!

There is a parallel between the 1992 presidential election and the 2016 one.

For those old enough to remember, in 1992 President George Bush was riding
high over the successful continuation of the Reagan initiatives, fall of the Berlin
Wall and defending Kuwait after it was invaded by Iraq.

Leading up to the presidential election Bush was near 90% in polling.

Such outstanding popularity kept most Democrats from challenging President
Bush including Mario Cuomo,  Ted Kennedy, Dick Gephardt and several others.

Enter Bill Clinton, a little known governor from Arkansas, with little to lose and
much to gain as he raised his national stature.

Clinton was young, telegenic and great campaigner with an even greater strategy,
saddle Bush with weak economy and breaking his promise not to raise taxes even
though it was the Democrats who passed the legislation to do it!

The rest is History.

Now consider what occurred this year, with a twist. Hillary Clinton was definitely
going to be the Democrat nominee, there would be no serious challenge, proven
by none of the notable Democrats challenged her even though dozens of them
were successful governors or legislators, all more qualified and experienced as
Hillary' performance serving President Obama was dismal.

They message was clear, they "need not apply"! All Hillary had to worry about was
the Republican nominee!

But, Republicans, unlike Democrats, weren't fearful, as seventeen challengers sought
the GOP nomination. They may have believed it would be a long shot, but it did
not stop them. No such confidence was found among leading Democrat politicians!

The only thing that could have sidetracked Hillary was the 1000-1 long shot Bernie
Sanders who really wasn't running against her, he angst was against Wall St.

If Hillary falls the Democrats who decided not to run may kick themselves as I am
sure Cuomo, Kennedy and Gebhardt did as they watched Bill Clinton sworn in!

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