Sunday, July 17, 2016

The sound of silence is deafening

What is occurring in our country is inexcusable, the assassination
of police officers.

What comes a close second is the 'sound of silence' from mayors
of towns and cities across our country.

From the beginning of the anti-law enforcement claims by Black
Lives Matter the media twisted its reporting to lend credibility
to the outrageous charge cops were killing Blacks, with intent.

Despite no evidence, this was the journalistic drumbeat heard time
and again. The lie that too many Americans believed to be true.

Now, about the 'silence of our elected lambs'.

When the false charges first rose I only recall two men stepping
forward to defend law enforcement, Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of
New York and Sheriff David Clark of Milwaukee!

I don't remember seeing any mayors of the largest cities speaking
out about the men and women who serve. Nor a single mayor of any
burb across the country whose towns are kept safe thanks to the
'cops on the beat'.

These are the elected officials quick to jump in front of backdrops
of blue uniforms when campaigning for office.  Yet, at a time the
'blue wall' to protect our communities need support they stand alone.

Is it any wonder that all too many people have accepted the LIES
about law enforcement when this shameful, spineless behavior is
displayed for all we see.

But, there is a silver lining that can be seen if we look closely,
out of the media spotlight.  It is the tens of thousands of people
who take a moment to walk up to a cop and thank them, to let
them know they have our support.

It is no surprise, when cracks in our society occur, the American
people can be counted on to lend support, no matter the direction
of the political winds.

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