Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The "silver lining" that was the Iron Curtain

The following piece was presented on July 19th, less than one week back. 
Since then I learned of something to counter the 'anti-Trump' sentiments the
media is telling us about Donal Trump coming from Europe. Such fallacious 
charges were also hurled against president Ronald Reagan who was equally 
bold in stating exactly how he would address many issues.  I highlighted the 

Listening to Yugoslavian born Melania Trump speak opening night at the Republican
Convention brought back a thought I had about the European people who live in a
continent ideologically split.

In the West the 'trappings' of advancements have morphed many in France, Germany,
Italy and others into socialists, even if they do not recognize their leanings with an able
assist from the United States which stepped forward, doing the heavy lifting to protect
them, that may have been the root cause.

Even now the European Union does not have a security alliance, as its priority is economic
growth, such is the 'luxury' of knowing America will defend them.

In the East there were no trappings of advancements, only being 'trapped", in containment
behind an 'Iron Curtain' that divided Europe into two separate areas after World War II
by the Soviet Union, the conglomeration of aligned nations under Russian control.

I bring this up to show the distinction between Eastern and Western Europe, this 'split'
continent's view the world through totally different prisms!

This may well be the 'silver lining', for without being imprisoned behind the Iron Curtain
Eastern Europeans may have also fallen victim to government dependence rather than
desire the freedom and liberty America has always stood for, and Western Europe
succumbed to.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, symbolically seen when the Berlin Wall, built in 1961,
came down in 1989, Americans got a glimpse of people enslaved for almost fifty years.

We listened to Lech Walesa who led Poland after the Soviet Union fell. What he said
may have been in Polish, but it was equal to what Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry said,
freedom and liberty are paramount in any nation.

Eastern Europeans view the world as most Americans did when John Kennedy gave his
Inauguration Speech, that included the "Ask not what your country can do for you" line.
Yet, fifty years later too many American are demanding what the country can do for them.

Not so in Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary or even nations within the old
Soviet Union such as Georgia, Latvia and Lithuania. They do not want the governance
they see in Western Europe or the trapping of American dependence. They want what
our parents and grandparents wanted!

As some of us ponder what will become of our nation, deeply concerned their children
and grandchildren will leave schools poorly educated, unskilled so they will be unable
to earn an income to raise a family, they do not see a silver lining' to keep them encouraged.

Compound this with the transformation of America as  "people of color" become the new
majority, reported with glee by the media and White elitists, dismissing accomplishments
of  so many Irish, Italians, Germans, French, Scandinavians who contributed so much.

This is not to criticize any group, but to point to people who understand what it means to
be an American, even if these people are in other countries whether its Eastern Europe,
India or Asia.

Today I read of a first indication the "silver lining" can be seen asn Hungarian 
Prime Minister Viktor Orban suggested, going further than any leader in the 
European Union to back the Republican nominee Donald Trump.

It should be noted Orban built a barrier on Hungary’s borders to keep migrants 
out, and hailed Trump’s ideas to fight terrorism, especially now that Europe is 
“living in fear” after attacks in Nice and  Munich. Orban believes Europe had lost
its way trying to cope with its biggest migrant wave since World War II.

Orban said, “I’d never have thought that it would occur to me the idea that Trump 
would be the best choice for Europe and for Hungary.”

Today, we find most immigrants are of Hispanic origin and more than 10 million are here
illegally while there is an ever lengthening line of Eastern Europeans still awaiting the right
to migrate here.

It seems to make sense more immigration come from Eastern Europe and curtail bringing
in people from nations that has already blanketed our country with illegals.

Some may say this suggestion is 'racist', the "F-bomb" in such discourse. No matter,
nothing can change this view.

But, the merits of welcoming people from countries who understand better than even many
Americans what freedom and liberty mean can be the 'building block' to restore Kennedy
most memorable words!

Your comments are greatly appreciated, you may do so at this link  http://bit.ly/2a7Wcvo

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

  1. America is not a place as much as it is "an idea". An idea so novel in the world that people burn with desire to become a part of it. Who can hold back a tear when observing foreign born people, after studying our values and Constitution, cry with pride while taking the oath after EARNING their hard won citizenship. It is their love and zeal that will sustain our Republic going forward. And they exhibit it far more proudly than many native-born "Americans".
    It doesn't matter where they come from as long as they have that passionate desire and understanding of what it truly means to be an American.
