Saturday, July 2, 2016

The partisan corruption of the Dept.of Justice....

Those of us interested in such things await with anticipation of what decision
of Attorney General Loretta Lynch will make if the FBI determines Hillary Clinton
should be prosecuted.

But, no matter the decision of the FBI or determination of Ms. Lynch my attention
will be solely on the Dept. of Justice itself...and what it has become.

In the two terms of the Obama Admin. (pardon my bias) I have seen the Justice Dept.
'selectively' fulfill its obligation to be independent in its service to the American people.

Time and again we have seen the Justice Dept. either sue states which attempted to
enforce Federal immigration law as Arizona tried to do, or threaten states which 'dared'
to pass laws such as Voter Id, as North Carolina did.

My concern goes back deeper, to May 2009, in the first year the Dept. of Justice was
led by Eric Holder who flexed its enormous muscles to demonstrate what to expect
under his leadership.

Holder decided to drop the charges against the New Black Panther Party filed by the
Bush administration for violating voters' rights with coercion, threats and intimidation.
Story on link:

But dropping the charges did more than exonerate the accused, it demoralized the
entire Dept. of Justice, and sent the message of what this new "sheriff" expected.

Career investigators serving in two administrations soon learned the work they did
under one president, George Bush, was not acceptable under another, Barack Obama.

Not, surprisingly, President Bush refused to comment on the decision. Bush  followed
an unwritten rule, once leaving office do not publicly criticize the new president.

This was a shame. Not so much for not criticizing the Obama Administration, but for
not defending the men and women who investigated the complaint.

Only one voice came out, that of  J. Christian Adams,a Justice Dept. official who
resigned and testified before the US Commission on Civil Rights, story found here,

This is not how the Dept. of Justice should be run, but has performed for over seven
years. Holder and Obama let the entire dept. know exactly the direction it would go.

No longer would the dept. seek justice, it would seek 'partisan justice', it would turn a
blind eye to cities flaunting federal immigration laws by establishing 'sanctuary cities'
and whatever other unlawful partisan coming before it.

Eric Holder would "cherry pick" what to pursue, demonstrating that even though 'Lady
Liberty' was blind....he definitely was not!

The single department which must "answer" to the law......has become lawless itself!

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