Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Kaine predicts Republican "mutiny" American workers!

Its less than a week since Sen. Tim Kaine was selected to run with Hillary Clinton.

On Kaine's resume is his ability to speak fluent Spanish which I am sure will serve
him well crisscrossing the country campaigning to people who do not speak English!

Today, Kaine said within first 100 days of a Clinton Administration, they will pursue
a bill to legalize illegal immigrants. He went on to say Speaker Paul Ryan would lead
the GOP to embrace legalization, adding Ryan and other leaders understand if they 
want a future for their party they must work together to find a solution to this”

I always appreciate the opposition party being concerned about my party's future. Only
thing missing are the crocodile tears!

When Kaine says they need to "find a solution" he means amnesty for the millions who
broke the law, no other solution will be considered!

But, Kaine is saying so much more.  He has telegraphed what the Democrat Party has
become and saying the Republicans must too. Forget the individual or one nation under
God, a name which troubles many Democrats.

Democrat Party is a party of groups, "people of color", gender, proclivities, and any such
group it ordains based on its ability to capitalize on the distinction!

Candidly, there are some Republicans leaning toward's Kaine's view. These are the "self-
preservationists', masquerading as representatives. They could care less about America's
'tomorrows', it is their todays they care about.

Knowing this Kaine is once again raising the political amnesty flag that Donald Trump
lowered when he began his run for the presidency. Trump was bold enough to say illegal
immigration has cost Americans jobs, despite the claims by business interests illegals are
good for our economy, indifferent to 30% unemployment of young unskilled American

Kaine believes the Republican 'spine' which was toughened by Trump will turn back into
jelly if Hillary is elected.  And, based on the history of dealing with the immigration
issue he may be right.

Trump gave the Republicans the confidence to stand firm for the American workers, not
the US Chamber of Commerce whose members "bottom line" is more important than which
workers are on the bottom of the labor ladder!

There are many important issue voters have to wrestle with but none is more important
to American workers than being able to earn a living!

Consider which candidate bests serves American workers.

If you'd like to add your comments, go to link  http://bit.ly/2aomIxM

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