Thursday, July 28, 2016

Can Black communities be saved?

For years I have felt the biggest problem our country faces is not the economy
or world affairs, its the destruction of the Black family unit due to a form
of genocide within most Black communities.

Seventy-five million Blacks in our country are being subjugated, imprisoned to
a future of mediocrity, most confined in the shadows, beyond the reach of
opportunities and the prosperity which comes with them.

Imagine if the statistics used to measure the success of all Americans were found
in Black communities, rather than the failing grades in every category compared.

If there is a difference, there is a fix.

We have learned what has not worked, billions spent and new programs implemented,
have only produced anemic results at best.

Three things would make it possible for Blacks to do as well as other Americans.
Paramount are two parent families, quality education and competitive incomes.

This should be no surprise, all mentioned time and again as politicians convene
to discuss the failures in Black communities.

But, knowing what the problems are is easier than fixing them, success is too
often, out of politicians and bureaucrats reach.

For four decades we have seen many Black communities destroyed, with an able
assist from Blacks themselves who often made bad choices, many feeling helpless
while some took the path of crime, not unlike any groups of Americans throughout our history.

We have seen education diluted, with emphasis on 'diversity', not learning math,
history and other subjects to develop their minds.

We have seen men leave their woman and children. And no matter the reason, efforts
must be made to get them to return. Walking away from important responsibilities
may lighten his burden but makes his family's that much heavier.

We have seen young girls encouraged to abort rather than save a life, as 70% of
the 320,000 Planned Parenthood abortions annually are performed on Black females.

Equally disheartening, with more than two million families awaiting adoption, PP
assisted in only 1100!

We have seen inferior public education lead to equally inferior job prospects.

All of this can be seen in community 'petri dishes' created by our govt. that
no person should have to live in. Yet, THIS is what we have done to the Black

Nearly half of the 80 million Black Americans remain in captivity, and of the
ones who achieved middle class success, 30% of a population of 14% work for the

Can this dangerous and divisive trend be reversed before it gets worse, fermenting
into nationwide anarchy?

The answer is not yes or no.....the answer is, it must!

It can, but not by relying on the same politicians introducing new legislation
or the same  bureaucrat implementing a new program or adding new regulations.

The communities themselves need to take control, create communities board, with
a life line to families in distress, provide the 'parenting' and outlets for kids
going astray.

The community school must revisit what kids are being taught each day, measured
on the value to the child, learning the building blocks to be ready to graduate
prepared for higher education or hired in a desirous profession.

Lastly, community leaders MUST demand the political, weak drug war must be won.
For no matter what else is done the crime in Black communities is due to drugs.

Govt. must win this battle. If note, whatever else we do...will be meaningless.

The subject, "Can most unlikely person save Black community?"  No one may appear
more unlikely.  Not a politician, not Black, not a believer in bureacratic solutions,

There needs to be a guiding hand, one that views the problem from the perspective of
the Black community who had little voice and even less an understanding of the damage
the 'best intentions' of govt. can do.

The most hopeful sign is seeing Black students departing the education incubators
to attend charter and non public schools. 

and perhaps Donald Trump can be the catalyst

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