Monday, July 11, 2016

Modern day genocide, right here in the United States

As defined, genocide is the intentional action to systematically eliminate an ethnic, 
national,  racial or religious group.

We don't hear much about genocide today, it is a barbarism of the past only found 
in parts of the world where totalitarian regimes successfully extinguish select groups.

The last place you'd expect to find genocide is in the United States, as our governance
is representative of all people, not just the privileged.

But, although not overt what is happening to Black American is recognizable as their 
race, culture, nationalism and a sense of belonging is gradually being destroyed.

Although not reported its obvious when you visit Black communities and see what the

media refuses to acknowledge. about 13% of the American population has become 
isolated from the rest of our nation, which is not only inexcusable but contemptible.

By any measuring stick Black Americans are paying the heaviest price whenever our 
economy is bad. But, even with good economies they still suffer.  They have the highest
rate of  poverty, abortions, unemployment, education, health problems and public jobs
and government assistance. 

No group of Americans should have to carry the heaviest of loads in these categories. Its
no wonder the discontent is high among Blacks.

Some may argue this is not 'genocide', but when you destroy people with the failures of
government no other word qualifies.  It stealthy permeates throughout every Black 
community, fostered by inferior public education and politicians who profit on the very 
hardships they caused, supported with divisive media reporting!

The latest divide in Black communities is the one between law enforcement and residents
who believe the police are a threat rather than a source of protection. This opinion is not 
new, its an outgrowth of a dark past when law enforcement was not above racist abuses.  

But, that was forty years ago and today every major Black community has completely
integrated police departments so false media reports of racial tension is not based on
actual interaction, only deliberate conjecture.

Enter Black Lives Matter, an offshoot of the New Black Panther Party, self proclaimed 
Black civil rights group that is riding the racist cops issue however far it will take them,
no matter the lie it is!  

Unlike the 60s when some cities went up in flames and calm was pleaded from all, this
group seeks to destroy whatever good relationship there is  between law enforcement 
and  Black communities, even with encouraging Blacks to kill cops!

This is not new, race-baiting provocateurs have been poisoning the minds of the under-
educated for decades, using lies to project a false narrative to a gullible people whose 
own dire circumstances make them susceptible to any persuasive argument!

This is why I call this genocide, it has captured people, twisted them to believe the 
country is against them  no matter any evidence to prove otherwise. They may not be
killed, but within them their spirits have been destroyed.

The culmination came last week when police in Dallas were dispatched to protect 
a protest march and were ambushed and five cops were assassinated. 

A country crosses a line when murder is the 'answer'. it should never be.

What is needed is an end to the genocide, replaced with a sense of belonging, with 
children getting educated not indoctrinated, where abortions are viewed as the
destruction of a people's future not 'elected surgeries',  where young men want to
behave like men, outreach replaces handouts and civic pride means civic duty. 

Its time for all Americans to appreciate the first name our country was given, United! 

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