Friday, October 14, 2016

"American steel will send new skyscrapers soaring"

When was the last time we heard, "American steel will send new skyscrapers
soaring"? I doubt anyone can remember, perhaps we never heard it said.

Well, Donald Trump says this often at rallies, especially in states that
were major steel manufacturers and no longer are.

Trump is telling the American people he will bring back industries we have
been told would never return and has shown a "can do" attitude we have not
seen since Reagan.

He's not saying the words but he is reminding us "American Exceptionalism"
can return, and promises it will!

Using 1967 as a starting point, world steel production was 497 million metric
tons (MMT) with the US being the largest producer. Today world production
has tripled to  1600 MMT and our country has dropped to fourth.

In 1967 the United States' output was 114 million metric tons, Japan second
with 62 MMT and China was seventh with 14 MMT.

In 2015, China was the largest steel manufacturer, producing more than 50%
of world production with 803 MMT, up 700%, Japan remains second at 105 
MMT, up 40% while the United States is producing 79 MMT, down 25%!

We should be troubled when world wide demand for steel triples and
American steel production does not increase proportionately!

In fact, the United States is the only country of the top twenty produces
which produces less steel!

Yet despite the fall off in US production as recently as June, 2016 President
Obama said the following:

"The steel industry is producing as much steel in the United States as it ever
was.  It’s just (that) it needs one-tenth of the workers that it used to." 
Barack Obama June 29th, 2016


Trump should be applauded for not accepting 'defeat' as politicians regularly
do when varying economic factors convince them vital industries can no
longer thrive in the United States.

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