Friday, October 7, 2016

Which is more troubling, Trump's words or Hillary's deeds?

Will Donald Trump, the candidate with nine lives, survive the latest
revelation of remarks he made eleven years ago?

Since its October in an election year, "Trick or Treat" arrives well
before Halloween! This "October Surprise" was long anticipated, the
drip, drip, drip that began last year with each report of what Trump
said to or about woman.

Today, those yearning for his fall are hoping this will be the final nail
in Donald Trump's political coffin.....maybe!

The American people have learned Trump made disparaging remarks
about women in 2005 on a 'hot mike' entertainment show interview!
A decade ago Trump stepped over this 'political' line, a trip wire just
waiting for the right time. And October in an election year is always
the right time!

Its easy for the "Trumpsters" to point to Bill Clinton as an example of
despicable behavior. But, they already know the response will be "Bill
Clinton is not running for president".

Hillary Clinton is, making it fair to measure her deeds against Trump's words.

Her performance as Secy. of State should be troubling, even among her
supporters. Her fingerprints can be found throughout every area of the
Middle East in turmoil.

Worse was Hillary's failure to go to the aid of our Libyan ambassador
and then attempt a coverup to avoid responsibility, including lying
directly to the victim's families! 

Her management of key classified data, the source of years of an FBI
investigation should be of greater concern. And despite FBI director
Comey saying he saw "no evidence of intent", her behavior should
still disqualify Hillary Clinton from becoming our next president.

No need to revisit the four years, only mention from the beginning of
her tenure at State she refused to adhere to a requirement to protect
classified information, even on a direct order from President Obama.

We also learned she took the extraordinary step to prevent anyone from
seeing the contents of her computer by destroying all information and
even physically destroying the machine.

Even people in her employ used their Fifth Amendment privilege to avoid
answering questions about her computer before Congressional hearings.

Lastly, we learned foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation have been
communicating directly to Hillary even though she 'disassociated' with
the foundation as she promised President Obama she would do!

Now, which is more troubling, Trump's words or Hillary's deed?

Well, to some Republican are more troubled by Trump's words they are
suggesting he drop out of the race. Really?

The Republican Party is willing to walk away from the one person who
has galvanized the party and is anxious to attack problems with concrete
solutions rather than political excuses.

Many Republican leaders would be content with Hillary to continue what
Obama started, allow our country to disintegrate into an "also ran",
bowing to globalists rather than the desires of the American people!

THIS is what the party of Lincoln and Reagan has finally become,
a complicit second tier organization doing the bidding of power
brokers, not its members! 

In the upside down world of politics "words" are worse than "deeds"
even when actual behavior places our nation at risk.

The big unreported "crime" is not what Donald Trump said about
women, its that he dared challenge a corrupt government which sells
out American workers time and again as politicians 'represent' donors
and lobbyists while centralizing control over every aspects of the
people's lives in Washington making independent state sovereignty

For those of us who have listened to both candidates we know what
we will get from each. In my opinion we do not want Hillary to win.

In no particular order, this is what to expect if Hillary is elected:

1. Taxes, deficit spending and debt will go higher
2. Millions of illegals will become citizens
3. Border will remain porous
4. Domestic terrorist attacks will continue
5. Racial divide will get wider
6. Black crime will continue and residents' quality of life gets worse
7. Cops will continue to be killed, even assassinated
8. Iran and North Korea will continue to threaten their neighbors
9. US will become a global 'partner' at expense of American workers
10.America will remain dependent of foreign oil
11.Businesses will continue to move offshore as US taxes remain high
12.US education will remains inferior
13.Ideological Court will make the Constitution merely a piece of paper
14.Wall St, lobbyist and donors will "govern" from the shadows.
15.Justice Dept. will continue to be political power.
16.Drug cartels will continue to rule the most vulnerable cities.

Lastly, we saw the dangerous concoction of "contempt and incompetence"
Hillary displayed as Secy. of State. Do we really want her to bring it
to the presidency?

Before we jump off the SS Donald Trump, take a gander into the ocean
you will be swimming in.

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