Monday, October 17, 2016

They are everywhere, like cockroaches!

We cannot miss them if we watch cable news.
We may even know their names, listen to the
"authoritarian" way they discuss every issue,
as experts no matter what the issue is.

They speak from their perch, down to millions
of viewers who believe everything they say.

In the social media age we cannot avoid them.
They have blogs, websites, newspaper columns,
magazines, Facebook  and Twitter links, belong
to "think tanks' and even are part of the lucrative
'speech industry'.

Their primary goal is to sell themselves and if
someone comes along who they consider a threat,
they will undermine this person, even destroy him!
Donald Trump is such a person, unacceptable to
these people as proven with their year long attack
on him.

These people do not care that Trump is offering
solutions to problems politicians refuse to address.
But, they do care Donald Trump is not "their kind
of conservative, a lack of desired 'pedigree' that
could damage the brand!

Who are these people I call "cockroaches"?
Off the top of my head are Erick Erickson of "Red
State", Glenn Beck, Bill Kristol of Weekly Standard,
Charles Krauthammer, Rich Lowry of National Review
Hugh Hewitt.

Add the Republicans who have damaged the Trump
effort to win, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Paul Ryan
all from states critical to Republican success.

And there are many more, all whose conservative
principles can be found in Rolodex entries of lobbyists
and politicians who prefer to 'compromise' rather
than advance superior conservative governance.

But, there are some who understand the importance
of this election who have true conservative credentials
as solid as anyone.

They make up an 'All Star' team and include Rush
Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, Mark
Levin,  Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Newt Gingrich,
Rudy Guiliani, Jeff Sessions and even the 'Godmother
of conservatism who passed away earliert his year,
Phyllis Schlafley!

Also include two Democrats, Camille Paglia and Pat
Cadell who see the damage done by their own party!
Unfortunately, the efforts of these whinny malcontents
may be enough to elect Hillary Clinton and worse
reinforce the notion only an 'approved' establishment
person should ever dare to seek a Republican nomination!

God, do I hate cockroaches!

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