Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton, still locked in the 70s!

One of the issues Hillary Clinton keeps claiming is a major problem in our
country is treatment of women.

On the campaign trail she never fails to remind audiences of the problems
women face.  She mentions pay inequality, sexual assault (with a straight
face), few career opportunities and limits on "choice".

As serious as such charges are Hillary produces no evidence they are true.

Nor does the media challenge these claims by asking her to show evidence.
This is not surprising as the media prefers to let a false claim harden in the
minds of the ill-informed until it become 'truth'.

To draw a comparison, the criticism of the Veterans Administration is well
documented as both Hillary and Trump point to them when offering their
plans to fix the problems.

However, the suggested 'discrimination' against women in careers and  pay
is not supported by either state or federal labor departments. Wouldn't we
have seen news reports of claims against employers raised  to the crisis
level as Hillary as suggesting?

We have not, and for good reason, the media may be complicit with much
of what Hillary says and does, but they cannot manufacture 'proof' unless
agencies create false claims against employers and institutions!

To believe Hillary Clinton is to say the "Women's Movement " of the 1970s
failed. It is to say the catchy phrase, "You've come a long way baby", is
meaningless as Hillary wants us to believe they haven't come far at all.

The evidence shows women are closer to being on par with men then at any
time in our history.

In fact, based on number of women in college they are ahead of men, more
women are graduating and beginning careers today than their parents and
grandparents might not have thought possible.

Hillary conveniently overlooks Sandra Day O'Connor, Madeline Albright,
Janet Reno, Condi Rice and now Lorretta Lynch, all "firsts" Democrats
always want to celebrate!

Hillary prefers to go "Back to HER Future", rather than celebrate successes
of women the past fifty years as we begin the Twenty-first century.

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