Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Will Chris Wallace dare ask Hillary any of these questions?

Mrs. Clinton, when you were secretary of state, why did you let a Russian company purchase one half of the United States uranium reserves in coordination with your and your husband's foundation?  How much money was donated by Russian companies to your foundation in exchange for your moving half of our uranium supply to Kazakhstan?

Mrs. Clinton, when you worked for the State Department, how did you conduct secret classified business without using a secure email server?  And don't say it's a mistake that you won't do again because you still had to conduct business.  How did you conduct secret classified business on your public server?

What kind of assault weapons were we funneling through Benghazi, and where were we sending them before Ambassador Stevens was murdered?

Mrs. Clinton, why were you interested in the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria?

Mrs. Clinton, when you left the White House after your husband's last term as president in the year 2000, why did you steal $200,000 worth of furniture and China and artwork that you were forced to return?
Mrs. Clinton, when you were secretary of state, why did you solicit contributions from foreign governments to your family foundation after you promised President Obama you would not?

Mrs. Clinton, why do you and your husband claim to contribute millions of dollars to charity for a tax write-off when it goes to your family foundation that gives less than 15% of the money you collect and you use the balance to support yourself tax-free?  How do you do that?  How could other Americans set up similar arrangements as you have?  What would you tell them?

Mrs. Clinton, why are you unable to account for $6 billion of State Department money that seemed to have disappeared while you were secretary of state?

Mrs. Clinton, you said you were broke when you left the White House, but you purchased a $2 million home. You built an addition for the Secret Service. You charged taxpayers of the United States rent in an amount equal to the entire mortgage.  Why did you say you were broke?

Mrs. Clinton, how is it your daughter, Chelsea, can afford to buy a 10-and-a-half million-dollar apartment in New York City after you left the White House when you were broke?

Mrs. Clinton, could you tell the average American how their child could get a $600,000-a-year job at NBC with no experience like your daughter did?  That's a better one, right?  That's a better one.  Yeah, because the 10.6, that comes from the Mezvinskys, you know, she married that.  But, yeah, the 600 grand a year, not having done it before.

Mrs. Clinton, why did you lie to the American people about the terror attack in Benghazi, but you managed to tell the truth to your daughter the same night that it happened?

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