Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What must be told to the American people...NOW!

Mr. Trump,
I hope this reaches you.

You have a great message, but much of it is lost due to you continuing

to reinforce what your supporters already know, American governance
is not only broken, it is corrupted by 'two party collusion' with lobbyists
and donors!

I have watched most of your rallies on RSBN.TV, and even printed
transcripts of your speeches to digest your messages on solutions you
offer to numerous problems.

With less than a  month to ago...its time you spend time on the benefits
of what you will do.

Your tax plan is superior, but the people need to know that 80% of the
American people will pay the lowest rate (12%?) or zero. The 15%
corporate rate allows businesses to invest tens of billions creating jobs.
The money left in the pockets of the public will provide great benefit
then being in the hands of Washington, so close to lobbyists!

As for Common Core, you never say why its wrong. Mention the millions
of mothers across the country who saw first hand how bad well as
teacher unions who see the problem of this never tested standard that
increases the cost of public education. States have done a better job
BEFORE the US DOE was created in 1979.

Tell more about 'American steel', that the public was told "we can't compete
with foreign made steel." Prove we can!

Challenge Ford and GM to do what more than a dozen foreign auto makers
are doing, building their cars here!

Mention the Keystone pipeline and the benefits it provides.

Also, speak of the broken national energy grid and how it needs to be
strengthen with more nuclear reactors.

Tell the public we do not need 17 agencies providing food stamps, when
they can be administered from one.

Explain how you will ensure Congress produces a budget, on time, not
sidestep using continuing resolutions or sequestration to afford taking

Please address the key benefits you bring to the White House, these are
the "selling points" to counter the corrupt media and falsehood about you.

Bless you and your family.

Anthony Bruno
Cary, NC

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