Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Donald Trump's plan for urban renewal

Trump Proposes Urban Renewal Agenda For America’s Inner Cities​

It is great to be here in Charlotte to discuss an issue that means
so much to me, urban renewal, and rebuilding of our inner cities.

Today I want to talk about how to grow the African-American middle
class, and provide a new deal for Black America. That deal is grounded
in three promises: safe communities, great education, and high-paying jobs.

Every African-American citizen in this country is entitled to a government
that puts their jobs, wages and security first.

My vision rests on a principle defined by my campaign: America First.

Our campaign is about change, optimism, and the future. I am asking
people to break from the bitter failures of the past, and imagine the
amazing possibilities for our future.

American politics is caught in a time loop – we keep electing the
same people, who keep making the same mistakes, and keep
offering the same excuses.

The fact that our corrupt Washington establishment has tried so hard
to stop our movement is just more proof that we represent the kind
of change that arrives only once in a lifetime.

Every day I’m proposing fresh solutions and new thinking. And every
day, the same people, getting rich off our broken system, tell us that
we can’t change and that we can’t try anything new.

I have a message for all the doubters in Washington: America’s future
belongs to the dreamers, not the cynics.

And it’s time to extend that dream to every African-American citizen
in this country.

African-American citizens have sacrificed so much for this nation.
They fought and died in every war since the Revolution, and from
the pews and the picket lines they lifted up the conscience of our
country in the long march for Civil Rights.

Yet, too many African-Americans have been left behind. 45% of their
children under the age of 6 live in poverty. 58% of their youth are not
currently employed. They are roughly 13% of the population, yet make
up 60% of murder victims under the age of 22.

In 2015, violent crime in Charlotte increased by 18 % – and it’s
expected to rise 24% in 2016. In the city of Chicago, nearly 3,500
people have been shot since January of this year. The conditions
in our inner cities today are unacceptable.

Democrats have run our inner cities for fifty, sixty, seventy years
or more. They’ve run the school boards, the city councils, the
mayor’s offices, and the congressional seats. Their policies have
failed, and they’ve failed miserably.

They’ve trapped children in failing government schools, and opposed
school choice at every turn.

Then there is the issue of taxation and regulation. Massive taxes
and regulations on small business, and radical restrictions on
energy, driving jobs and opportunities out of our inner cities.

One of the greatest betrayals has been the issue of immigration.
Illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African-Americans.

No group has been more economically, harmed by decades of
illegal immigration than low-income African-American workers.

Hillary’s pledge to enact “open borders,” – made in secret to a
foreign bank – would destroy the African-American middle class.

At the center of my revitalization plan is the issue of trade. Look
at what happened to Baltimore, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Cleveland.
Massive, chronic trade deficits have emptied out our jobs. .

It’s the greatest jobs theft in the history of the world.

We won’t let your jobs be stolen from you anymore. When we stop
the offshoring to low-wage countries, we raise wages at home –
meaning rent and bills become instantly more affordable.

At the same time, my plan to lower the business tax from 35% to
15% will bring thousands of new companies onto our shores. It
also includes a massive middle class tax cut, tax-free childcare
savings accounts, and childcare tax deductions and credits.

I will also propose tax holidays for inner-city investment, and
new tax incentives to get foreign companies to relocate in
blighted American neighborhoods. I will further empower cities
and states to seek a federal disaster designation for blighted
communities in order to initiate the rebuilding of vital
infrastructure, the demolition of abandoned properties, and
the increased presence of law enforcement.

I will also pursue financial reforms to make it easier for young
African-Americans to get credit to pursue their dreams in
business and create jobs in their communities.

Dodd-Frank has been a disaster, making it harder for small
businesses to get the credit they need.

The policies of the Clintons brought us the financial recession
– through lifting Glass-Steagall, pushing subprime lending,
and blocking reforms to Fannie and Freddie.

It’s time for a 21st century Glass Steagall and,a priority on
helping African- American businesses get the credit they need.

We will also encourage small-business creation by allowing
social welfare workers to convert poverty assistance into
repayable but forgive-able micro-loans.

Then there is the issue of public safety. Making our communities
safe again will be a priority for the Trump Administration.

I have heard and listened to the concerns raised by African-
American citizens about our justice system.

I promise under a Trump Administration the law will be applied
fairly, equally and without prejudice. There will be only one set
of rules – not a two-tiered system of justice.

The best evidence of unequal justice is that Hillary Clinton could
violate ignore a Congressional subpoena, lie to Congress and the
FBI – put our national security at grave risk – and not even face
so much as a fine.

Equal justice also means the same rules for Wall Street. which
the Obama Administration never held Wall Street accountable.

We will also police our streets. I want every poor African-American
child to be  able to walk down the street in peace.

Safety is a civil right. The problem is not the presence of police
but the absence of police. I will invest in training and funding
both local and federal law enforcement operations to remove
gangs, drug dealers, and criminal cartels from neighborhoods.

The reduction of crime is not merely a goal – but a necessity. We
will get it done. The war on police  urged on by my rival is reckless,
and dangerous, and puts African-American lives at risk. We must
work with our police, not against them.

On immigration, my policy is simple. I will restore the civil rights
of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and all Americans,
by ending illegal immigration.

I will reform visa rules to give American workers preference for
jobs, and I will suspend reckless refugee admissions from terror-
prone regions that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

A portion of the money saved by enforcing our laws, and suspending
refugees, will be re-invested in our inner cities. It is time to help
American citizens who have become refugees in their own country.

Infrastructure will be another major goal. My contract calls for
$1 trillion dollars in infrastructure investment, of which the inner
cities will be a major beneficiary.

I will also cancel all wasteful climate change spending from Obama-
Clinton, including all global warming payments to the United Nations.

These steps will save $100 billion over 8 years, and this money will
be used to help rebuild the vital infrastructure, including water
systems, in America’s inner cities.

School choice is at the center of my plan. My proposal redirects
education spending to allow every disadvantaged child in America
to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home
school of their choice.

School choice is the great civil rights issue of our time, and I
will be the nation’s biggest cheerleader for school choice in
all 50 states.

I will appoint a commission to investigate the school to prison
pipeline and shut it down and create a new pathway that leads
from a great education to a great job. My plan will ensure funding
for Historical Black Colleges and Universities, more affordable
2 and 4-year college, and support trade and vocational education.

Finally, my agenda includes the protection of religious liberty,
promotion of family, and the African-American church.

This is just the beginning. Because I will never, ever take the
African-American community for granted.

It will be my mission to prove to this country that yesterday does
not have to be tomorrow. The cycle of poverty can be broken,
and great new things can happen for our people.

But to achieve this, we must reject the failed elites in Washington
who’ve been wrong about virtually everything for decades.

The people opposing us promised that passing NAFTA, and opening
our markets to China, would bring a new era of prosperity and
job creation. Instead, they brought only poverty and heartache.

The people opposing us are the same people who’ve wasted $6 trillion
on wars in the Middle East that have produced only more terrorism,
more death, and more suffering – imagine if that money had been spent
at home.

Finally, our opponents passed a healthcare law, embraced by Hillary
Clinton, over the furious objections of the American voter. Obamacare
is now destroying our healthcare system – premiums are skyrocketing
double-digits and are surging by more than 100% in the great state of
Arizona. Doctors are quitting, insurers are leaving, and companies are
fleeing. If we don’t repeal and replace this disastrous law, we will
lose our healthcare system forever.

Now is the time to embrace a New Direction.

I want to go into the inner cities, the poor rural communities,
and failing schools, and I want to work on a national plan for

I’m tired of the excuses from our politicians. I’m tired of being
told what can’t be done. I’m tired of people asking Americans to
defer their dreams to another day, but really another decade.

The time is now. There is nothing we can’t accomplish.There is no
task or project too great. There is no dream outside our reach.

Everywhere I go in this country, all I see is untapped potential
waiting to be set free. But we will never realize that potential
if we continue putting our faith in a broken political system that
has let us down time and again.

We have to choose the more optimistic path – we have to choose
to believe not in our politicians, but to believe in ourselves and
in our country. If we do that, anything is possible.

I’m asking America to join me in dreaming big and bold things for
our future. Let’s close the history books on the failures in
Washington, and  let’s open a new chapter of success and prosperity
for everyone.

It is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican Party can be
the home of the African-American vote once again.

Together, we will have a government of, by and for the people.

And we will Make America Great Again For All Americans.

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